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Once there were two goddesses called Destiny and Desire. They were the goddesses of wishes. Destiny was the goddess of good wishes and Desire was the goddess of bad wishes. They were both important equally so all the gods and goddesses and people respect and praise them. Destiny soon married Oscar,god of luck, and have a cute baby named Cynthia. But soon, Oscar married another goddess,Rosalind, goddess of elegance. Destiny was angry but mostly heartbroken. Luckily, Desire helped her and tried to cheer her up in many ways. Soon, Destiny was the kind and cheerful goddess again. But one day, bothe sisters become very sick. They had a lot of work the past few weeks and they were very tired. So, one day, they called Cynthia to have lunch with them. Cynthia first came to her mother who was sitting on a chair, looking pale and weak. As soon as Cynthia sat down, Destiny said in a low voice,"I've been sick for the past couple days. But since there is so much work, I might have to start working again but the problem is that I'm still too weak. If I can't work, I need to choose a -what did they call it? Oh,yes! A substitute. And we must be related. I only have you and Desire. And you know that Desire is also very ill. I might have to send you-" Cynthia sprang up," Really Mom?! I would love to! "she shrieked. Destiny was surprised. "I didn't expect you to be so excited. Well, you'll leave tomorrow. Go pack your bags!"her mother said. Cynthia happily went to pack her bags. Suddenly, she remembered that her aunt asked her to have lunch too. So she ran to her aunt's house. Her aunt was delighted to see her. "Cynthia! Come sit. I'm so glad you are here!" Cynthia sat down. "So, what is it auntie?" Cynthia asked. Desire sighed," I've been really sick lately but there is still so much work. I tried to send a friend to replace me till I heal but they said only relatives can replace me. I only have you and your mom. Your mom hasn't been well lately. So, could you go?" Cynthia was shocked . She loved her aunt but she has already promised her mother she would go. What should she do?

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