Cast & Graphics | Part 2

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     Played By Grant Gustin

                                    Hermes                        Played By Grant Gustin

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                            " God Of Thieves "                        " Patron of travelers "                        " Prince Of Olympus "

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  " God Of Thieves "
" Patron of travelers "
" Prince Of Olympus "

Reyna Avilla Ramirez-Arellano
Played by Dilara Aksüyek

              Reyna Avilla Ramirez-Arellano                         Played by Dilara Aksüyek

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                                      " Avi "                                      " RaRa "                               " Horse Friend "                            " Hero Of Olympus "

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                                      " Avi "
  " RaRa "
   " Horse Friend "
    " Hero Of Olympus "

Hermes & Reyna
  " Extrovert & Introvert "
" RoyalThief "

                          Hermes & Reyna                     " Extrovert & Introvert "                              " RoyalThief "

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   Calix Archer Ramirez-Arellano
    Played By Matthew Daddario

            Calix Archer Ramirez-Arellano                   Played By Matthew Daddario

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                                  " The Leader "                             " The dutiful son "                         " Champion Of Apollo "                " First Greco-Roman Demi-God "

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   " The Leader "
                             " The dutiful son "
   " Champion Of Apollo "
    " First Greco-Roman Demi-God "

  Isabella Delphini Ramirez-Arellano
     Played by Emeraude Toubia

        Isabella Delphini Ramirez-Arellano                  Played by Emeraude Toubia

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                            " The Little Wolf  "                        " Champion Of Lupa "                        " One Half of JJBella "                    " The rebellious daughter "

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" The Little Wolf "
" Champion Of Lupa "
  " One Half of JJBella "
                    " The rebellious daughter "

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