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I was braiding my hair and suddenly my mom came to me and said "Nesrin we came to know from the village people that you have the mighty rock power with you. Is that true?" I nodded my head slowly then my dad said "oh no what to do. For the past 23 years we were happy and safe without any power but now if you got powers in the sense there will be more and more problems. No Nesrin we don't want this. It's new to see you with powers dear please Nesrin let's meet Qila and get a way to get rid of the powers." I was shocked to hear those words from parents. Without my concern they dragged me to Qila.


"Mom I'm going to meet Nesrin bye..." told Jaromir then I laughed and said "my dear Jaromir please wait dear. Good things will come to us if we wait." He was about to build up the conversation with me but was distracted by the door knock. He opened the door and was surprised to see Nesrin with her parents. He looked and me and I saw him with wiggled eyebrows. Then Nesrin's dad said "Qila please tell us a way to get rid of Nesrin's power we don't want that power." I smiled and asked "why?" then Nesrin's dad said "because I don't want my daughter to suffer with bad omens" I laughed and said "is that so? What is your power Galad?" he was silent then I asked "okay leave it what is your power Fayra?" she was silent too. Then I scoffed and said "shall I tell it I know even Nesrin doesn't know it and now it's time. Galad your power was control of climate and Fayra yours was to make things vanish. But Nesrin was born without any powers so you were ready to abandon her in the mountain of water flower but the water god decided to punish you for thinking to abandon a little infant so he took all the powers from you. And with heavy heart you took Nesrin to home. And you both raised her as a duty but not with love. She was raised by hatred not with love. That's why she was jealous by seeing the independence of Asterin. But Nesrin let me tell you something from your birth you were blessed by god. The water flower god was always there with you. He knew that this situation might arise and the power was hidden deep inside you. It came out at the right time. And he knew if you have power from the birth means you might have got hurt in your childhood itself that's why it was hidden." Then Nesrin asked me "if so, why does nothing happened to Asterin she is having fire power right? Will no harm come to her?" I nodded my head and said "yes your questions are correct she is the only person who is having fire power in this whole village so I personally protected her. Because in front of Oliver's greed her powers will be turned into dust. As an infant all your powers are not that powerful but you should secure it to give a best outcome. The mighty god protected you so your powers were secure at the little age and so does Jaromir, his powers were also protected at his infant age. All the five of you were protected in your childhood so that your secured power will be used to slash the heart of the demon and to save the Mervellies to create a new world which will have eyes to see only the heart of the people not as cheap people who see race, or powers to judge a people. You are the history which the upcoming generation will be proud to talk about. And please don't even think about getting rid of your powers because your parents told you to do so. Only if you join the four you all can defeat all the demons. To the beginning of the new era you all should join together dear." Then Nesrin told "Qila I don't want to give away my powers because this power god gave to me. I don't want to give it away. I want to protect it, I will join the others to kill the demons but before that---" Jaromir cut her sentence off and said "before that you need practice so that you'll know the limit to use your power so that you'll not faint when we are fighting the monster and to know the correct method to use your power. Don't worry myself and Asterin will take care of it." Nesrin nodded her head happily hoping everything was going in smoothly way.



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