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maxverstappen1 replied to clementine_choi story!

you busy next weekend?


come to monaco, for the race

just pack up and go?

yeah, i'll sort everything for you

i don't know max, i'd love to really

what's stopping you?

idk my life

come on pretty girl

well when you say that..

lovely, i'll send you the details

i'll think about it maximilian

also have a question for you! so you need to come

"WHAT YOU SMILING AT?" her sister wren spoke, snapping clementine out of her daze. "oh ugh, nothing i just need to pack," she smiled slyly, hiding her phone screen in her chest. her older sister eyed her suspiciously before trying to snatch her phone out of her hands but clementine was quick.

"where you going? come on clem spill," her sister smiled sitting next to clementine. she had told wren about her night at the tag heuer event, she told wren most things anyway - they were best friends as well as sisters. "it's to see a certain formula one driver right?" wren nudged her side, clementine smirking at her words. her sister squealed, grasping her arms tightly and shaking her.

clementine giggled loudly, while her sister spoke excitedly, more so that she was finally putting herself out there again after spending a good portion of her year depressed and hurt about franco. she had also swore off men after her breakup so wren was just happy to see her possibly trying again.

"nothings going to happen, don't get your hopes up," clementine hummed dismissively looking at the new message from max with her flight details which was very quick. "he's invited you to a race! after spending one evening with you," wren spoke in a 'duh' tone trying her best not to roll her eyes.

clementine sighed "i'm hungry, you want a snack?" before moving into her kitchen, ignoring wren's amused comments about max. she moved around quickly, her kitchen cluttered with knickknacks she had thrifted once she had fully moved into her small apartment.

"can i come with you?" wren giggled, standing on the other side of her kitchen island leaning over. clementine rolled her eyes, pushing her sister away by her face - "you have a shoot to do, i know you're schedule," wren groaned while grabbing the bowl of snacks from her sister. "if you become a wag i want to come to every race," she said with a pointed look.

CLEMENTINE STOOD SILENTLY as she looked around her messy room. her suitcase laid open on her bed, clothing options littered the ground as she struggled to figure out what to pack. it was only for the weekend but max hadn't told her what they'd be doing other than attending the race. he had sorted her out with a full weekend pass but her return flight was marked for a later date.

steve lacy played loudly through her speaker, as she repeatedly picked up items to only throw them back down. she was leaving tomorrow morning so she needed to hurry if she wanted a stress free trip. suddenly her phone rang loudly from underneath the pile of clothes.

"hi mum," she greeted once she had fought her way to the bottom of the pile. "clem! how are you doing? you're sister told me you're off to a race, how exciting," her mother spoke on the other end happily. clementine smiled, placing her phone down once she was on speaker.

"yeah it'll be good hopefully," she hummed as she began to fold her clothes away. "is franco going with you? i don't like the thought of you travelling alone," her mum said while clementine fought back a groan. she had told her mum plenty of times that they had separated but she seemed to be in denial of the news - "mum how many times do i have to tell you? we aren't together,"

"clem darling i really think you should try again, he was such a lovely boy," clementine was just happy her mother couldn't see her face after hearing those words. "it's not happening mum! besides.. i'm.. i'm seeing someone else, look i've got to finish packing then i said i'd call lando," she hummed hoping it would speed the end of the conversation up but the mention of the possibility of her daughter seeing someone new had intrigued her.

"oh tell him i was asking for him! and who are you seeing? please just think about franco, it could be better this time-" but before her mother could finish her sentence clementine quickly shouted a 'goodbye' and hung up the phone. she stood in shock for a moment but she wasn't surprised, franco had charmed his way into the family over the course of the two years they were together and her mum adored him unfortunately.

with her music blasting once again, the brunette focused on finishing her packing. the nerves of seeing max again began to settle in as the night progressed.

clementine_choi added to their story!

clementine_choi added to their story!06:38

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