iii. the agreement

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clementine_choi added to their story!

MAX SMILED BRIGHTLY WATCHING clementine walk towards his car, suitcase in hand with sunglasses hiding her dark tired eyes

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MAX SMILED BRIGHTLY WATCHING clementine walk towards his car, suitcase in hand with sunglasses hiding her dark tired eyes. dressed in wide leg jeans and a simple white hoodie, clementine felt the excitement of the upcoming week hit her.

"you made it," max smiled holding the door to his apartment complex open. the brunette smiled widely, pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head - "i can't believe i'm in monaco," max quickly took her suitcase off of her, his hands resting lightly against the small of her back as he guided her towards the elevators. they made small talk on the way up to his home, catching up each other up despite them knowing most of it due to the constant texts back and forth.

max showed clementine to the spare room she was staying in, letting herself settle in. she stood for a moment, the situation hitting her now. it felt strange staying at max's home after only meeting him once but she was excited to spend more time with him. she looked around the guest room, still surprised that max had allowed her to stay or rather insisted. whenever she had watched any interview with max he seemed to have these walls around him, but now that she knew him it was completely different. being in his home, surrounded by him - it suddenly felt intimate.

after freshening up and changing out of the clothes she had been stuck in for the duration of her long flight, clementine emerged through to the living room where max was lounging on his couch, a cat curled up next to him. she took in her new surroundings, trophies lined shelves as well as family photos. his sim set up in the corner near the window with a small red bull fridge and his world championship trophy sitting on top. interesting choice she thought to herself.

"you know i could've just got a hotel," she muttered sitting down next to him. max shrugged, "then i wouldn't see you," clementine fought an eye roll at his cheesy words but it was nice to be treated with actual respect.

"so what is the question you wanted to ask me? i'm a bit nervous," she giggled, she sat up crossing her legs. max's confident smile slightly faltered as he clear his throats. "i just want to say you don't have to give me an answer straight away but after meeting you and seeing how you're ex is..." he began nervously.

"i've also been advised that maybe my public image could use some help, i was wondering if you wanted to date? but only in like a public pr way!" he rambled quickly, clementine watched with amusement on her face doing her best to hold back her giggles.

"thank god you asked because i maybe have told my mum i'm seeing someone and knowing her she'll want to meet you," she said relieved, clementine moved her hand to grasp his giving it a reassuring squeeze. "let's do it, i mean i'm here alright," she smiled gently. "and it'll keep franco off my back,"

they pair sat comfortably together after discussing the details of their new relationship - which consisted of having public appearances together, hints on social media and the promise that once the season was over they'd go their separate ways. it seemed doable, max technically was a stranger to clementine and the actress had a record of being a serial ghoster when things got too real.

the jet lag was beginning to catch up on clementine as she fought her eyes to stay open. with her legs sprawled over max's lap, his fingers tracing patterns lightly on the exposed skin of her ankle, clementine gave up and let herself relax on the red bull driver's couch. they had became comfortable in each other's company quickly, neither could explain why.

max noticed quickly how quiet she had become, but once he looked over to see her sleeping soundly he understood, a soft smile on his face as he captured the small details of her face. maybe this season would be harder than he thought.

THE NEXT DAY MAX HAD promised to show clementine around monaco, being it her first time. she smiled brightly at the sight of max's aston martin in awe that he just casually owns one. he smirked at her reaction, opening the passenger door for her first before moving to the driver's side.

first thing they did was drive through the busy streets of monaco, flashy cars passing by them as max explained the circuit layout to the actress. "this freaks me out, the fact you drive this in a formula one car," she muttered as she shook her head in disbelief. max chuckled, "i'm used to now," he shrugged nonchalantly.

clementine thought that max would've stopped early, showing her the flashy side of monaco but instead he continued to drive on.

they stopped at the outskirts of the main part of monaco, it was quiet here compared to the busy streets in the centre of the city. max rested his hand against the small of her back, leading her to a small cafe. it had seating outside, a few customers already sitting there enjoying the sun with coffee cups in hand. clementine was struck by the beauty of monte carlo, she had been to many countries for her work but this felt different.

she pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head, keeping her dark hair off her face as the entered the small cafe, max's hand stayed in place. "i usually come here if i want to get out for a bit, have a bit of quiet," he spoke softly, almost as if he was shy to admit he liked it.

clementine did admit that seemed out of place for max to be here, she had heard the rumours of him being a bit of party animal when he started formula one or that he hid in his apartment all day on his set up. it was nice to be let into this side of the world champion.

"it's so nice here," she murmured, noticing the case full of cakes and pastries lined up, all decorated beautifully. "grab a seat and i'll order for us," he smiled nodding towards the empty seats. when she walked away suddenly she missed the feeling of his touch.

the actress snapped a few pictures of the cafe's decor - prints hung up on the cream walls with plants hanging from the ceiling - before taking one of max at the counter as he smiled to the barista. clementine smiled to herself, maybe this arrangement wouldn't be so bad after all.

clementine_choi added to their story!

clementine_choi added to their story!13:14

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