(n.) fear of failure; fear of not being good enough
i think we all know this moments. you stand infront of the mirror and look at yourself
you think
your face is too round, too small, too edgy
your belly is too round, to big, to fat
and your arms are too muscular, too fat, too small
your hair is too curly, too straight, too strawy, too oily, to dry
your legs are too short, too long, too thin, to fat, to unmuscular
and your feets they are too flat, too pale, too long, too short
you think, your not good enoughin this moments you just have to stick your tongue out at your reflection in the mirror and turn away from it
another time, another day you return back and look at exact the same person and thinkwow your hair frame your face perfectly
your eyes shine like thousend of cristals
your belly is just nurtured and because of that a bit round
your legs have the perfect length and their color is just perfect to you
you also think your clothing fits perfectly
and the little smile on your face makes you look very prettybecause you ARE very pretty
and your enough