#SpreadThe Peace ✌✌
(Tori POV)
Nechte mě kurva na pokoji. Proč si nadále snažit, aby se mnou mluvit? Nechci s tebou mluvit. Nesnáším všechny tady, já ani nevím, jak jsem se sem dostal. Mám krátkodobá ztráta paměti, takže to nepomůže mi to, nebo enyone jinak se snaží přijít na to, mou minulost. Všechno si pamatuji je chůze, chůze, chůze, a další chůze.
Leave me the fuck alone. Why do you continue to try to speak to me? I DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOU. I hate everyone here, I don't even know how I got here. I have long term memory loss, so that doesn't help me or anyone else trying to figure out my past. All I remember is walking, walking, walking, and more walking.
(Bahja POV)
My first class is English with Mr. Brummer. I don't usually get nervous, but something in my stomach is starting to tingle. Most of these hoes got babies kicking in they stomach but not me. I open the door and it's all eye's on me. Of course it is, I'm fuckin Bahja Rodrigez bitch, and imma run this bitch like sum laps. Ok, I know that was lame as hell, but who cares. After about a second or two I turn and start on my way to a man I guess is Mr. Brummer. He turns to me, his face showing surprise. Guess he didn't notice me walk in.
Podívejte se na pana Brummer, tam na tabuli. Je tak do jeho učení, že si toho nevšimne, děti házet papírové koule mlčí každou minutu. Nebo Slut Sara dává Devon hlavu v dalekém zadní části třídy. Všechno, co se stará o to, aby se si pamatujeme, co jsme se naučili v loňském roce, což není nic.
Look at Mr. Brummer, up there at the board. He's so into his teaching that he doesn't notice the kids throwing silent paper balls every other minute. Or Slut Sara giving Devon head in the far back of the class. All he cares about is making sure that we remember what we learned last year, which is nothin.
I take on a look around, and see that this class is under no control at all. My Kinda class. No, stop thinkin that. I came here to forget the past, and have a new start. No more drama, babies, sluts, murders, all that OMG Hoez business, going to a funeral every other weekend, nuh-uh, no more of that.
(Tori POV)
Oh look, a newbie. She has such a pretty face, I would hate to have to slice that up. Whats going on with that hair? Pink? Oh hell no, who is this bitch and whats wrong with her. But look who's talking, what's NOT wrong with me. Ugh I hate myself. I look down at my right wrist and take of the bandage, revealing a zebrea like pattern on my wrist. Instead of black and white, it's red and blue with a little bit of purple here and there and white stuff that was oozing that crusted up and wow, I should stop this or I'll never get laid. Yea, I'm still a virgin. 17 in high school, hard to believe right?
(Bahja POV)
"Oh! Ok, so you must be Bahja, correct?" I nod my head. Well, I guess this is okay. No one knows who I am, great. After one quick glance around the room (All eyes were on me except for whoever that is on their knees in the back of the class. All i can see is the back of their head), I turn back to catch Mr. Brummer silently letting his eyes craw all over my body. "Ahem." I clear my throat. Eyes up here mister, not down there. "Oh, ok, I'm sorry. Let's see, we'll have to get you a seat...." One more look around the room. Some kids have went bak to throwing paper balls, now some paper airplanes appear. Somebodies head is still bobbing in the back, and some kids just decided to start a conversation among themselves, obviously the topic of conversation being me, they way their eyes are drilling into my chest. What's taking him so long? As I look up at him I notice something. He's about 5 inches taller than me, big muscles, nice haircut. Mann, if there wasn't this much of a age difference and he worked at my school, man! "So you'll be over here, on the far right side of the class, right by Toreyeasia (tore-e-asia).
You saw that coming. didn't you? Bet you can't guess what happens next!
My School is a Plastic Factory ON HOLD (Bahja & Appearances by Diggy, Mb & more)
Novela JuvenilTori. She's a weirdo. She sits alone, doesn't speak to anyone, and has no history. Wanna speak to her? She'll lash out at you, sometimes in a different language. She'll never fight though. Why? Read and see. Along comes Bahja, the newbie and already...