Knitted Hat: Mattheo Riddle ❀

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Summary: apparently you have anger issues so you had to found something to do about it

TW: none , just two idiot flirting


I was sitting at my spot, next to the black lake where nobody came . I was a little angry.... I was enraged, I just took 2 weeks of detention with Snape because of Malfoy "The oh great slytherin prince", as all the girls call him. Just because he's popular and all. Barbie decided it was a good idea to mess around and pushed me slightly which caused me to drop my cauldron on the floor and Snape's shoes.

So I was now knitting like crazy to try to cool off. Apparently I have some anger issues according to Minnie, I only said that it was bullshit. After threatening me with taking points from slytherin because of my language she told me to focus on something that would calm me other than fight with people which wasn't easy to do for me. Then I remembered the Christmas holiday that I spent at the Burrow with the Weasleys since I was quite close with the twin. I remembered Mrs.Weasley teaching me how to knit , and we knitted together a beautiful froggy hat .

And what a beautiful idea to try to reproduce it with the little patience I have. Cursing with all the words that I know, even French, I had to remake the first line at least 5 times before doing it correctly. That worked...... At least a little , I was slightly less angry .

"There you are" said a very familiar voice

I looked up and smiled at him, of course he would be here looking for me. Last time I didn't go to lunch I was fighting with Astoria.

"What can I do for you, Riddle?"

"so now we're back to last name basis, i have to say you wound me Y/L/N" he said jokily putting a hand on his heart

I just rolled my eyes at him with a little smile.

" So what are you doing here on this fine Tuesday afternoon instead of being in class? Charms if i remember correctly". he said sitting down next to me.

" I could say the same thing about you, Aren't you supposed to be in Transfiguration with Mcgonagall?"

"touché but i was worried since i didn't saw you at lunch"

"Awww you care about me Mattheo " I said, pinching his cheek like a grandma would do .

"get off and don't be flattered, How i'm going to do my homework if your in detention" he said sarcastically

"you don't need me to do your homework you better at practically every subjects than me" i scoffed

" I know I just wanted to hear you say it" he said with a smug look on his face.

"Ah AH Ah AH, hilarious" i replied rolling my eyes and started to knit again

" But seriously are you alright, i heard what happened in potion this morning"

" as usual Malfoy being a git and Snape treating him like he was the reincarnation of Merlin nothing new"

" I mean Snape is his godfather so that's not a surprise" he said calmly

"He's his what?!" i asked him with wide eyes

"yeah he's his godfather, i thought everyone knew it but apparently not" he replied " so what are you doing, you look like you're stabbing the wool with wands? he asked confused.

"it's called knitting Mattheo, and apparently i need to find something to let my anger out"

"About letting your anger out, I could help you out if you want" he said with a suggestive look.

"Shut the fuck up Riddle" i said pushing him sightly

" hey i was just trying to help you" he said putting his hands in defense.

" yeah thanks but no"

" oh that's what your trying to do?" he said putting the already knitted hat on his head

" keyword trying"

"yeah i see that" he said looking not sure at my "hat" in my hands

"hey that's mean"

"just saying"

"i think i'm going to keep this one" he added talking about the hat he had on his head.


"why i think i look pretty cute in it" i just shook my head

"what? you don't think i look cute like that" he said putting his hands under his chin looking at me

"you look like an idiot" i said laughing at him

" Yeah but i'm your idiot" he said locking his eyes with mine

" yeah, yes you are" i said in a quiet voice but loud enough for him to hear it. and you could see a blush on our cheeks and us smiling like idiots

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