Nice to meet you: Harry Potter ♛

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Sub Harry Potter x Dom Reader

summary: you went to 12 grimmauld place to visit your uncle sirius and met his godson
warning: 18+ content || praise kink, loss of virginity, p in v, oral , unprotected sex ( don't do this at home), fingering, creampie, tummy bulge.

Summer at 12 grimmauld place, what Harry was expecting the most. Meeting with his godfather Sirius Black who for the past 2 years was in hiding.

Even if he arrived at his godfather's house for his safety Harry was still happy to escape the Dursley's and quickly forgot his frustration about being kept in the dark about the Order of the Phoenix .

After he went with Hermione and the Weasleys to Diagon Alley for his books and everything for Hogwarts they all went back to Grimmauld place , Mr and Mrs Weasley, the twin and ginny going to the living/ dining room and the golden trio going upstairs where their rooms were.

Unknowing to them that a new person joined the Black house a few hours ago, they started chatting about what you-know-who could be after, and bumped  into something or more someone that they didn't recognise.
Harry was the first to push the person into the closest wall and pulled out his wand on the throat of the supposed intruder.

    "Who are you and how did you manage to enter ?" He asked his eyes fixed on the person who wasn't the slightest scared of him . Hermione and Ron were both pointing their wand at them.
    "Padfoot your godson, he's trying to kill me" the person shouted, rolling their eyes. You could hear ruffling downstairs meaning someone was coming supposedly Sirius.

Harry took this time to observe the person: a girl probably his age or even a little bit older, her Y/H/L  Y/C/H hair put in a ponytail, her mysterious Y/E/C eyes looking at him ... annoyed?

    "Oh yeah ... I-I should have warned you, hum you can put your wands away she's on our side" said Sirius nervously, not knowing how to explain the situation. Lowering their wands from her , Harry was again the first to react.
    "Sirius, who is she?" He asked but when Sirius opened his mouth to respond he was quickly cut by the mysterious girl.
    "Y/N Black , daughter of Regulus Black" she said

The three young wizards were left speechless until Hermione decided to talk seeing the incomprehension on her friends face

    " But-But I thought Regulus Black was-"
    "Dead. He is, but my mother was 2 months pregnant when he died. So yes young love , now what's for dinner?" She then asked Sirius.

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After dinner and answering all the questions possible they went  upstairs . Ron and Hermione leading , Harry decided to be a little behind to talk to Y/N

    " I don't trust you" he said bluntly
    "Who said you should" she replied as the same tone as him
    "I-I don't know what you are doing here exactly but i'm going to find out" he said but Y/N could see he was nervous but couldn't find why
    " Do I make you nervous Harry?" she said, stepping toward him. Harry , his name coming out from her mouth, makes him weak on his knee. He will not admit it but he was eyeing her during dinner like she was the most beautiful thing on earth which didn't go unnoticed by the owner of the house.

He couldn't even answer her simple question, and only gulped at the proximity of their faces. Smirking at his reaction Y/N took this as the occasion to play a little with him. She stepped even more closer to whisper in his ear

    " if you really want to know me,come to by room, third door to the left down the hall at 11 pm alone of course,don't be late" she winked at him

She then proceeded to go to her room, take a shower and get everything ready for her little meeting with the chosen one.

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