Chapter 32 - Out of the Hospital

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3rd Person

(The Next Morning)

Will woke up to see a nurse typing in the computer next to his bed.

"Oh good morning hun." The nurse smiled at him.

"Morning.." Will read her lips, rubbish his eyes.

"You are free to leave whenever you want, we've ran all the tests we need and you seem to be fine! You'll just need to come back in a few weeks for a scan of that arm." The nurse wrote on a piece of paper, before showing Will, who sat up abruptly.

"Seriously?" He grinned.

"Yeah! Your clothes are just on the end of your bed, you can go and get changed. Bring your hospital gown back in here and place it on the bed once your done, and then you can go." She gave him a small note, and Will got out of bed immediately and grabbed his clothes.

He went out of the door, still a bit unsteady on his feet, and saw Mike sitting in the waiting room sleeping, his hair looking freshly washed.

He smiled seeing his boyfriend, before going to the bathrooms to quickly get changed.

He took off his itchy hospital gown and folded it up neatly, before putting on his clothes that his mum had brought in.

This outfit ↓↓

He walked out of the bathroom, his hospital gown in his hands, and walked into his old room, which was now empty

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He walked out of the bathroom, his hospital gown in his hands, and walked into his old room, which was now empty.

He placed the gown on the bed, before rushing out to see Mike.

He went into the waiting room and gave Mike a small shake, causing the taller boy to wake up abruptly.

"What time is it?" Mike muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"Time to go home, come on." Will gave Mike a small smile, and his eyes  widended.

"You look so pretty." He blurted out, causing Will to blush.

"Stop! Let's go." He scoffed and began walking away, causing Mike to chuckle.

Mike got up and began to follow Will outside, and he heard a small laugh from what sounded like Hopper so he turned his head to that direction to see Will hugging everybody.

He smiled softly and walked over to them as Will pulled away.

"Can we go home?" Will asked Joyce, who smiled.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now