3rd Story - Janice

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I don't know when it first began, but before I knew it, the only things that surrounded me were blood and corpses.

I can still remember how I used to look. I graduated last year, shiny-eyed with hope and ambition. I walked up to the stage in a suit of shiny new armor gifted to me by my lord. In turn, I gave him my sword for the rest of my days. It was a joyous occasion that my friends and I celebrated for days on end. The only regret I held was the inability to remain for a year longer.

Of course, I was happy to finally become a senior knight, but I'd heard rumors of a legendary squire poised to attend the academy. A squire so strong, she could even give seasoned veterans a run for their money in the dueling arena. I wanted to cross blades with that knight, to share our philosophies together, and perhaps even build a bond that would transcend my departure from Avalyne Academy. Alas, it was not to be.

I had enjoyed a somewhat idyllic lifestyle for a good few months in my lord's territory. As the son of a marquis in the Castellia duchy, my lord granted us a stable and enjoyable lifestyle for a good while. The only disruption in our peaceful days were the routine patrols at the northern border where we were forced into sporadic encounters against Kaslavnan mercenaries from time to time over the few months of relative peace, but everything changed when the war began.

Kaslavna struck fiercely and without warning, driving deep into our territory before Duke Castellia could even respond. To make matters worse, the capital had been beset by a witch who emerged from seemingly out of nowhere, destroying my alma mater and whisking away the imperial princess. It was utter chaos to say the least.

From then on, I found myself diving into battle day after day. Every minute blended into the next, and time became nothing more than a twisted fantasy as I was forced to grow drunk on adrenaline or risk losing my humanity as my blade cut through soldier after soldier like they were nothing more than reeds of wheat ripe for the harvest. With each swing of my arm, I grew to question my purpose. Its once shining steel now dulled with blood, the droplets that it shed staining my precious armor.

Even now, I thrust myself into battle without pause. My lord had ordered it, and I was merely a tool that obeyed. That was the truth behind our relationship, but it wasn't until now that I saw it. I know not whether he ever cared for me or not, but we were never intimate, nor could I even say we were friends. After all, He never even attended my graduation party.

"Forward!" A powerful roar shook the heavens. The clouds drew together at the sound, almost as if Aluvsha himself hid in fear of the one who raised her sword into the air, rallying all of us to her position as we drove an unstoppable wedge through the enemy formation.

Almost immediately, my mind became free of those dark, questioning thoughts as I dove forward on her command. Just a quick look at my allies told me that they felt the same exultation I did as we strove to obey her orders.

Yes... There was no greater joy than driving the enemy before us as our swords rose and fell to the rhythm of our great commander's own. There was nothing and no one who could stop her shining blade that carved arcs of light into the air and through the enemy's ranks. Several squads in the right flank pushed forward as well, crashing into the enemy's defensive formation and pushing hard against them.

I surged forward, not even noticing the animalistic smile stretching across my face as I did so. Again and again, my sword drew blood, but this time I no longer hesitated. All I had to do was look at her billowing cape that gleamed in the distance, a lone ray of sunlight falling from the heavens to illuminate her majestic charge.


I cut and cut, watering the ground with an endless stream of blood as a symphony of screams and pain devastated the air around me. My ears nearly bled from the sound, and I could scarcely tell whether those screams came from allies or enemies. But still, I cut.

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