6th Story - Cassandra

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I sighed yet again as I stared off into the distance for the thirteenth time that day.

Just yesterday, I'd been soundly defeated and captured by a junior knight. It pissed me off to say the least, but honestly, I'd rather be back on the battlefield getting my ass kicked rather than sit here in a camp. I wasn't exactly restrained by any means, but they'd assigned a knight to guard me and she seemed to be taking her job a bit too seriously.

"Dame Cassandra, please stop moving around."

"I'm not," I crossed my arms, addressing the knight rather tersely. It wasn't as if I hated her, but she was certainly an annoying one. Every time I so much as shifted from my position, she'd make a remark about telling me to stay still. "I've been sitting in the same damn position for ages. Can't I stretch my legs out?"

"You should tell me before you do so, otherwise I might think you're just trying to make a break for it."

"You're pretty cheeky for a junior knight, you know that? And you still won't tell me your name."

"Why would I tell you my name? You're an enemy." The knight tossed her cream-colored hair irritatingly as if she were proud of her stupid retort.

Honestly, if I wasn't a prisoner of war, I probably would've throttled her right then and there. I mean, seriously. I don't know if it's just me, but the junior knights of this generation are incredibly rude. First, there was the silver-haired knight who kicked my ass, Dame Medrauta. At least she had the decency to introduce herself and pretty damn good bladework to back up her shittalk, but whoever this bitch they sent to supervise me was, she sure didn't look like someone who could put up a fight.

"For the record, I don't even know where my lord went. That asshole up and abandoned me the moment we lost the battle. And besides, I wasn't even fighting because I believed in his bullshit."

"That's even worse."

"You'll understand when you become a senior knight. Loyalty means everything to us, even if we may disagree with the motives of our lords." I replied.

"Not to me." The knight crossed her arms. "There's a dream I want to fulfill, and I'm willing to sacrifice whatever's necessary to achieve it."

"Always a dangerous attitude to have," I laughed. "I'd ask what your dream is, but seeing as you won't even tell me your name, I doubt you'll tell me your dream."

The knight shrugged in response. "I don't really mind. It's not a realistic dream, but it's one that I'd like to chase regardless. I... want to become a knight-hospitalier. That's why I'm here in the supply unit guarding you instead of fighting on the front lines... and probably the reason why the baron even agreed to keep you as a prisoner in the first place."

I nodded knowingly. "It would be far more expedient to simply execute me if there wasn't someone convenient who could be assigned to guard me. You needn't worry, though. I'm not planning on escaping anytime soon."

"Really?" The knight raised an eyebrow, appraising me with a doubtful look. "I don't believe you."

"Where the hell would I even run to? My home is in this duchy along with all the people I care about. Besides, Dame Medrauta thoroughly defeated me and my lord disappeared. Even if I ran, I wouldn't have anywhere to go."

"...I suppose so," the knight said after considering my statement for a few moments. "Fine then. I guess it'll be safe for me to tell you my name. I am Pamela Vynecrest. Pleased to meet you, Dame Cassandra."

"You certainly don't look pleased, Dame Pamela."

"A consequence of our meeting," Pamela shrugged. "I'm sure I'd be a lot more pleased if we weren't enemies."

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