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Me and Nicole got up later in the day, the guys had already gone and Angelina, i really don't care where she went or is. The rest of us girls went off to this sex shop Nicole and Jenni found on their way in yesterday.

[Jennie: The sex shop is perfect, perfect, perfect. It's my scene and when I get into my scene. I get into my clothes.]

It felt like a shop for hockers or the entertainment business. Jennie was trying on this dress that was pretty much leaving nothing to the imagination.

"I feel like one wrong move and you boobies are coming out." Jenni was trying on any dress in sight.

"Lela, try this on." Jenni throws a dress at me. I'm holding it at arms length and I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to hide my butt in it. Like my ass is already big and I don't think this dress will work. I try it on and the split on the left side is like up to my butt. I would need biker shorts under it to be decent. This is a free access dress.

"Can you see my ass?" I humor the girls as I turn around and check my ass in the dress. I can feel the drift in this thong.

"Oh my gosh." Nicole runs over with these huge ass glasses. I don't know how she can see because it's covered in jewels.

"Lela!" Sam's jaw is basically on the floor. I bend over and twerk before running back into the dressing room.

We went to a few more stores after that. I didn't get the dress. I would definitely get in trouble for that. Sam and I end up going to a different store while Nicole and Jenni shop around.

"You have a lot of clothes." Sam comments as she sees me struggle to the dressing room with a pile of clothes.

"I know, I need them." I place the dress in front of me to see how it looks in the mirror instead of actually trying them on. It's just too many clothes to try on. I only bought half of them, but they weren't all club clothes, some of it was just casual.

By the time we get back it's dark. I'm neatly putting my clothes away when I hear Sam grilling Ronnie about some girl.

"I'm gonna ask you something. Who is Caroline in your phonebook?"

"Why are you going through my phonebook?"

"I just want to ask you one thing."

"I don't understand." That makes two of us Ron.

"Listen to me. I have nothing to say to you! Cuz I would never ever write a fucking ex-girlfriend's number in a phonebook."

"Listen, can you sit down and talk like a normal person?"

"I'm over it. get that. Why would you write that? answer my question. Why would you put that down? You talk to her? Answer my question"

"I've talked to her."


"Like two weeks ago."

"So fuck you okay and enjoy your life."

[Ronnie: I don't think any boyfriend or girlfriend has a right to go through each others stuff]

I can Honestly say I have no idea what is going on or if I even want to be a part of any of it. I would go talk to her but this is something that she needs to deal with on her own.

[Nicole: When she left last summer she's running her mouth like crazy. And she was blasting everybody in the house.]

"She's sitting out there and has everybody calling the house for her, but she can't talk to us." I roll my eyes. This whole thing could have been civil. We could've worked something out but of course she ran her mouth and now she doesn't want to be confronted or talk to any of the girls.

"I'm going to talk to her. she had no business working my girls or my boyfriend into this." Nicole gets up from the bed.

"Have fun, I have nothing to say to that girl." I watch as Nicole and Jenni leave to talk to Angelina.

"No, we should go watch." Sam pulls me behind her.

"If you have something to say, say it to my face." Nicole says as me and Sami join everyone else outside.

"I will say it to your face. And I'm looking at you right now." Angelina says.

"Blast my boyfriend, do it all."

"No I don't." Of course she can't just admit it. At some point she has to own up to it because we all heard different things but it was all about her blasting us and the people around us.

"You do."

"No I don't."

"That's how you are angelina."

"No I'm not."

"You're listening to everybody and you're not listening to me." It's just that you couldn't come up to us and just say that.

"I want to be cool with everybody here, I don't want to fight with you guys."

"Angelina, this could have been avoided." I sigh. This is just too much. She doesn't want to take accountability for the things that she has done to us so far in this house.

"You run your mouth to my best friends." Jenni is like a vulture ready to pounce her.

"I want to be cool with everyone here. I don't want any problems."

"But you can if you keep talking shit." Nicole is standing having enough of the BS.

"I'm telling you I'm not talking shit."' excuse, excuse. No apology or accountability.

[Nicole: Angelina's fessing up to nothing. This is stupid. why are we all going to make up this?]

"I'm here having this experience with you guys."

" you're not having anything with us." Jenni says.

" I'm going to be here forever." She doesn't care, she doesn't care and nothing we say or do is going to make her own up to what she did. whether she did it or not at this point all that matters is that she takes accountability for acting like we didn't exist in this house.

"You wanna stay. Stay and get your ass beat. Stay and get your ass beat. You can stay and get your fucking ass beat." i'm gripping Sam's shoulder because Jenni is going in on her. 

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