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We are supposed to be cleaning up before the guys get back to cook dinner and Angelina has dishes. She of course is on the phone for 20 minutes before Nicole says something to her. She ignores her and continues to talk on the phone.

"Angelina. Dishes. They need to get done." I say something to her.

"I'm on the phone."

"Being on the phone isnt going to help you do the dishes. Unless whoever you're talkin' to is gonna come.'' I roll my eyes at her because she once again is showing that she doesn't wanna to be in this house with us.

"Okay." I scoff and walk away from her.

"She doesn't want to do anything." I say passing by Nicole.

"It's so ridiculous at this point. We keep telling her to clean but she won't."

"Let's just leave her be."

[Lela: I noticed that Nicole hasn't been herself. SO I decided to get out of the house and just take a walk. We're in Miami we should be enjoying our time here.]

"So how are you doing? Ever since your phone call with Emilio I see that you're not yourself." She's my best friend in the house of course imma look out for her.

"It's the worst thing that could happen."

"I know babe. You'll get over it. You're a great girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you."

"I just can't. I can't do this." Nicole starts crying in the middle of the street. So I wrap my arms around her to comfort her.

"Aw, babe. Just let it out." I rub her back.

"You're a great friend. Thank you."

"You're a great friend. Now let's go eat." we make it back to the house and dinner is ready.

[Nicole: im a strong girl and you're gonna fuck me over like that then we're done. Imma be single and have fun.]

[Sam: Next Sunday the girls are gonna cook. Make a huge mess and then have the guys clean it up.]

"Le!" I turn over on my bed to look at Jenni who is calling me. She's waving a piece of paper in the air.

"What's that?"

"The note." She whispers.

"Oh my gosh. What are you doing?" I whisper back.

Jenni puts the note in Sam's drawer.

"This is happening?"

[Lela: This note is happening. Even if it isn't the best way to tell her, she needs to know without us breaking up the house. Either way this is going to be a shit show.]

[Jenni: The note is dropped, we didn't want to wait, it was more so like just get it done and over with. Eight people in this house know the truth and let's see what happens.]

The next day the girls left for work with Mike leaving me with Sam and Angelina. I don't know when Sam is going to find that note but I don't wanna be left in this house when does. I'm on the literal edge and I can't sit still.

I just wanna lay in bed all day wait for my girls to get back. So I find busy work for myself to do. I'm cleaning the bathroom which is mad disgusting. I'm not touching that toilet.

I'm bopping my head to a song in my head and who comes through the closed door, Sam.

"Did you do this?" a asp leaves m mouth in surprise at her entering and the fucking note in her hand.

"What?" I'm playing dumb of course I know who it is. It wasn't me but I'm not about to rat the girls out. Sort of in a way I'm involved but so too is everyone else.

"So I found this note folded up in my drawer. did you write it, like just look at it, read it." Sam has me to know and I'm reading it because I didn't write and I have no idea what it says but I know what's in it based on what I been told.

Maybe I was hoping it wasn't the note but once I read it I know it's the note.

"No I didn't write this and I don't know anyone who did practice where did you find this ?"

"In my drawer this morning. Is it true?" Sam asks me of course I know the truth but I can't say that I know otherwise I would be just as guilty for not telling her when i found out.

"I don't know. I wasn't there. Do you think it's true?"

"I'm just going through it right now and no one knows and can really say if it's true. The guys have a bro code they're not going to tell."

As soon as Sam leaves i debate if i should go call the girls to let them know that Sam knows, she found the note. I don't want to sound or feel as if I'm being suspicious by telling the girls and they might just be me being paranoid but I really didn't want to chance it.

They will just have to find out when they get back.

Ron now knows that Sam knows because I can hear him in the room talking to her. So I'm walking out the room to find Angelina, but I don't see her, so I go back to the bathroom.

Ron comes out of the room after talking with Sam all mad wanting to know who got to a computer, type the letter to print it out and Angelina finally shows up. I pick around the door just to be present and me and Angelina make eye contact. I shake my head and disappear back into the bathroom cuz I don't want to be accused of anything I don't know if I can hold it and but imma have to try.

[Ron: The stuff in the letter wasn't that bad. I'm more pissed that the letter was anonymous because they think that I'm stupid and I'm not going to know who it was.]

Angelina joins Vinny, Pauly and me in the living room and she puts on these big shades and all I can do is just mentally roll my eye because what are you doing right where the fuck is the sun.

"What's going on? What's happening?" well played bitch.

" Sam woke up this morning with a note that said Ronnie was hooking up with girls the night she left crying. The note was typed. Crazy right?" Pauly explains to her.

"Mmm. That's crazy." Angelina responds. I just know she's the weak link and if she said anything she's already on thin ice with me.

[Angelina: I really feel like I can't be blamed for this because Jenni and Snooki wanted me to get involved but really I wasn't there when they typed the letter. So I'm just going to stay out and stick to that.]

"I feel sick." I say leaning to the side of the couch. "I think imma go outside."

"You want me to go with you?" Pauly asks and I nod my head. I go to the front door and put on my shoes.

"Let's go for a walk with my favorite girl!" Pauly yells as we step put onto the street.

"You're such a goof!" I laugh.

"Where are we going?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, let's just walk." It was a nice walk just me and Pauly. No drama.

I just knew once we got back in the house and the girls and Mike got there then the drama would just be more.

"We haven't hung out much here."

"I know." I agree with Pauly. "We 've been doing our own things, you know. You with the guys and me hanging out with the girls."

"We should change that."

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