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You couldn't sleep. It was late, but you weren't tired. You had tried, but all that had come of it was restless tossing and turning. And thoughts - too many thoughts. That was how you found yourself wandering the streets of New York.

At night.

Yeah, maybe not your smartest idea ever. And you didn't want to panic but you were pretty sure you could see someone following you on the opposite side of the street out of the corner of your eye. Stopping when you stopped. Turning when you turned. You turned about four corners before you were certain they were following you. Not wishing to make it a fifth, as you came to the end of a street, you stopped at the corner instead of turning. You looked at the sign above the corner building's door. It simply read 'C'. Judging by the man in a porter's uniform standing at the doors, you assumed it must be a hotel. Seemed as good a place as any to stay a while and ditch a creep.

Walking through the lobby, you couldn't help but admire the interior design. The intricate details on the walls and the ceiling had you feeling you hadn't quite grasped how fancy the hotel was, not to mention the fact that everyone around was dressed in suits. And - were they...guns? In their pockets?

The concierge at the front desk seemed to notice you looking out of place.

"Good evening, ma'am. Can I help you at all?"

"Oh, uh-" You tried to collect your thoughts, feeling slightly overwhelmed. "Is there like, a bar or lounge or something here?"

She eyed you curiously, but nonetheless nodded to the left.


The bar's atmosphere made you feel much more relaxed. You sat at a stool and ordered a whiskey, sliding a few dollars to the bartender across the mahogany. As he turned to prepare the drink, you noticed a handgun on the inside of his waistcoat. God, even the staff were armed. Were you the only one who wasn't?

You looked around the lounge, people watching while sipping from your glass. One person in particular stood out to you, dressed in all black with a cape. She was sitting on a leather sofa, seemingly going off on the guy opposite her, judging by the way her expressiveness. You found you didn't blame her - he definitely had asshole energy. You would've been trying to read her lips if it wasn't for the mask she was wearing. Not that you minded. She seemed to be giving you a thing for masks by the minute. Every time you tried to look away, your eyes always drifted back to her - there was just something so magnetic about her, the way she oozed authority without even having to assert it. She-.....shit.

She'd seen you staring.

Her eyes locked with yours, stopping seemingly mid sentence. They held your gaze for a moment before raking over your body, looking you up and down and raising an eyebrow. You watched as she got up from the sofa without saying another word to the man as he rolled his eyes and downed his wine. Realising that she was coming your way with a look aimed straight in your direction, you averted your gaze, turning to look at the various bottles adorning the bar wall.

"Is this seat taken?"

Your head shot up. She was standing over you, gesturing to the stool beside you.

"No...go ahead."

You hadn't been prepared for how seductive her voice was. Low and rich with a slight rasp and a tinge of an accent. You swallowed thickly as she sat. You didn't have enough alcohol in your system for this shit.

Trying to relieve the tension, you started to make conversation.

"So, uh...what brings you to New York?"

"Excuse me?"

"I just- Your accent...are you not visiting from Ireland? I just assumed you were staying at this hotel-"

Behind the Mask: The Adjudicator (The Continental) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now