Chapter 1, [Nothing new]

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[Listen with Lana Del Rey for the best experience.]

[Inosuke POV]

Every day feels like a repetition of the last. The same school, the same faces. My morning begins at 7:15, just like clockwork. I pull myself out of bed and slip into my daily routine. Today, I reach for comfort and familiarity, so I choose beige cargo shorts and a blue T-shirt adorned with two crisp white stripes, elegantly racing across the chest. My school doesn't impose a dress code, but they oppose open-chested shirts, opting instead for loose-fitting ones that give me a sense of ease and readiness for the day ahead. I pick up the comb resting on my dresser, quickly running it through my hair a couple of times. As I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast, I'm met with a warm greeting from my mother.

"Good morning Inosuke." My mother welcomes me.

"G'morning Ma," I respond.

She tosses me an apple, and I catch it with a quick nod of thanks before heading out the door. I didn't bother with brushing my teeth this morning, relying instead on the notion that apples can freshen your breath. The walk to school was tranquil, affording me a rare moment of peace to relax and clear my thoughts.

I've noticed that I tend to adapt my personality depending on the people I'm with. I act differently around my parents than I do at school or when I'm with my friends. My mom has even observed the contrast when my friends visit, seeing a change in me as I shift from my usual behavior around her.

As I approach the school steps, I spot my friends, Zendaya, Kanye, and Gene. (Zenitsu, Kanao and Genya.) Zendaya and I go way back, all the way to the 5th grade, so my parents adore him. Kanye used to be my tutor, and now I see her as an older sister. Gene and I, on the other hand, didn't start as friends. We once tried out for the wrestling team, and surprisingly, I beat him. It was a pivotal moment that turned the tables, and from then on, we quickly developed a strong friendship.

Zenitsu had donned a pair of sleek black jeans paired with an oversized, eye-catching orange sweatshirt. He kept complaining about the cold, though I always thought it wasn't cold enough for me.

Kanao's outfit was a stylish contrast to the chilly morning. She wore a black skirt with delicate, see-through leggings (nylons) beneath and a light purple jacket layered over a pristine white shirt. Her hair was pulled back with a purple butterfly clip into an elegant side ponytail.

Genya opted for comfort in his attire, sporting baggy jeans and a dark green long-sleeved shirt.

Notably, each one of us, including me, carried a black Jansport backpack. The school's policy against custom bags was quite strict, citing potential distractions.

Zenitsu couldn't help but comment on my outfit. "Not sure how you're wearing THAT," he pointed at me with a perplexed expression.

I raised an eyebrow and took a step closer to him. "Are you cold-blooded for something?"

Kanao chimed in cautiously, "Well, you are dressed very lightly, and, um..."

"Hm? I shifted my attention towards her, curious about her observation.

In a more stern tone, Kanao continued, "Well, it's 52 degrees outside. I'm concerned that you might catch a cold."

"I'll never get a cold because I'm-"

Before I could respond, Genya cut in with a hint of sarcasm. "The 'Great Inosuke Hashibira,' we know. You say that all the time," he added air quotations and rolled his eyes.

I stood my ground, exclaiming, "That's because it's true!"

"Whatever. Let's get to class. You know how strict all the teachers are." He began walking towards the imposing wooden doors of our school, and we followed.

Recalling my class schedule remains a challenge, even though we've been in school for around three months. I reach into the side pocket of my backpack and retrieve a crumpled piece of paper, glancing at it for a quick reminder. Inosuke's schedule👇🏽.

7:30-8:30 Math                                                                                                                                                                          8:45-9:45 Science                                                                                                                                                                9:50-10:30 P.E.                                                                                                                                                                          10:40-11:40 History                                                                                                                                                                11:45-12:30 Culinary                                                                                                                                                              12:30-12:50 Lunch                                                                                                                                                                  12:55-1:30 Language class(Spanish)                                                                                                                              1:30-2:30 English


Every student has the option to choose between Spanish and French for their language class. Inosuke opted for Spanish because he believed it would be easier than French.

Each core subject, including Math, Science, History, and English, requires an hour of class time. Other classes, such as P.E., electives, and language classes, have shorter durations.

Inosuke is currently in the 1st trimester, and his first elective is culinary. Unfortunately, he doesn't share this class with any of his friends, and he's not particularly skilled at cooking, making it his least favorite elective.

Inosuke's friends include Kanao, with whom he shares math and English classes, Zenitsu in his science class, and Genya in P.E. and history classes. Interestingly, all of them are enrolled in Spanish class together, and during lunchtime, they all sit outside on the benches as a group.

Word count: 813

Warmth of the Infamous Inotan [SLOWBURN] INOSUKE X TANJIRO KNY DEMONSLAYERWhere stories live. Discover now