Chapter 2: Build Up

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We open the scene in Shadow Freddy's apartment building, a fancy building that almost looked like a really tall mansion. It was 9:00 PM, about an hour since the events of the previous chapter, with Golden and Freddy waiting on the ground floor. Suddenly, the elevator door opened as Shadow (Shadow Freddy) walked out. "What took you so long?" Golden asked in an angered tone of voice, awaiting a response. "Just needed to get ready, how long have you even been waiting?" Shadow replied, Golden didn't respond. "Almost an hour now, if my memory serves me right." Freddy chimed in, hoping to not make his older brothers (Shadow and Golden) angrier. "Well just great," Golden said "Now we wasted an hour when we could've gone up ourselves." Golden had said in a less angry, more of a just annoyed tone. "Okay, okay, let's just get this straight. YOU'VE WAITED FOR AN HOUR?!" Shadow had said in shock. "YES, BECAUSE YOU NEED TO SPEND ALL OF YOUR TIME PUTTING ON A SUIT JUST TO WEAR IT WRONG!" Golden shouted, back to being angry. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT I WORE THE SUIT WITH ROLLED UP SLEEVES." Shadow shouted back. Freddy just sat there and watched some 'Sigma Male' YouTube shorts. Almost five minutes of nothing but arguing had gone on and Freddy finally had enough, "ALRIGHT BREAK IT UP YOU TWO!" he said, getting in-between them "LET'S JUST GO TO THE ROOM." Golden and Shadow looked at Freddy in shock, before finally calming down and heading to their room. In the room, the three discussed how to avoid being enemies with the Foxy family. "What if I just apologized?" Freddy said, unsure of what to do. "That wouldn't work, we need to either stop them from finding out, or somehow resolve the situation because SOMEONE wanted to be an idiot and attempt to cheat." Golden said, looking at Freddy. "Wait, so who did what now? I'm sorry, I just learned about all of this." Shadow said, confused. "Little bro over here did. He was getting with Foxy and then tried to cheat on him with Chica, I had to save him from getting beat the fuck up by Foxy." Golden said. "Damn buddy." Shadow said, unamused. "So what DO we do?" Freddy said, confused. "We need to get you to be a better person so we don't start beef with the Foxies, we couldn't take them on if we tried." Golden said, still angry, but clearly showing how stressed out he was. "Well, gentlemen, I think I have a plan..." Shadow said, enthusiastically chiming in.

We cut to Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie, looking for where Freddy and Golden could've gone to. "So where are they?" Bonnie asked. "I don't think finding them so soon is a good idea..." Chica chimed in. "One, yes it is. And two, I have an idea.." Foxy said, starring at the apartment building where the Freddies were.

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