It took a while, but they were all up before dawn. Everyone quickly packed what they needed and headed downstairs. Minerva, Iris, and Luce's trunks were still neatly stacked by the closet.
"Okay. Remus and Sirius have already gone."
Molly announced, as Arthur continued, "The other Order members will meet us there. Minerva, Iris, and Molly will take all the trunks with them as they are to apparate there." The three women nodded, and went off to do so. Minerva and Iris gave Luce a quick hug before going though. "The rest of us will go in pairs. So, is everyone ready?" All of us shook our heads yes, to Mr. Weasley.
Two by two, we went into the fireplace and traveled to headquarters through Floo. Headquarters name; Twelve Grimmauld Place, aka, the original home to Sirius and the rest of the 'Nobel House of Black', including my mom and Aunt's for a time. Fred and George, Harry and Ron, Hermione and Tonks(she had arrived around midnight), and finally Ginny and Luce. Mr. Weasley came through last.
As soon as Luce stepped out, she grabbed onto Ginny for balance. Another reason why she hated Floo traveling, it made her nauseous and uncoordinated. Ginny laughed at her every time. The two made it to the dining room and Ginny helped Luce to sit down, as everyone else did too. She then smacked her arm lightly. "It's not funny Gin." Ginny smirked and sat down next to her. Minerva and Iris came in just after everyone had finished taking their seats.
"Are they coming?" Ron asked.
"Ronald, we just got here." Molly scolded.
"They should all be here around the standard lunch time." Arthur added, more calmly, right after.
"So noon." Iris "clarified", receiving laughs from everyone.
"Now, the lot of you, upstairs. We'll call you later for lunch, but for now go rest." Remus nodded towards the 'children'.
Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luce and Ginny all reluctantly got up, grabbed the trunks they had brought, and headed upstairs to the two given rooms; boys and girls obviously separated.
"I'm going into their room for a short while, you two coming?" Hermione asked, as she headed to the door.
"No." Luce replied laying on the bed, putting her headphones on the small nightstand to the right of the bed.
"We're going back to sleep, since the sun isn't fully risen yet." Ginny threw the pillow she had under her head at Luce. Luce jumped, but threw it right back.
"You two are such children." Hermione walked out the door, shaking her head, with the slightest smile on her face.
"So are you." Luce and Ginny replied loudly back, as the door was firmly closed.
Ginny jumped onto the bed beside Luce and the two broke out laughing. Soon enough, the small amount of sleep they had gotten just last night took its toll, and both fell soundly back asleep.
Almost an hour after the children went upstairs, all of the Order Members arrived. They all sat around the long dining table, after lunch was finished.
"Thank you all for coming," Sirius said, looking around the room, examining everyone's faces to see everyone who made it. Everyone slightly smiled at him, thanking him for inviting them into his house. Well, the same one he let Albus Dumbledore turn into the Order of the Phoenix's Headquarters.
"Now, I believe there has been a couple more disappearances that are occurring. There's been more activity from his followers too." Kingsley stated to al of them.
"I saw part of it," Minerva said seriously.
"What do you mean by 'saw part of it', Minerva?" Remus asked, looking straight into Minerva's eyes, getting concerned.
Iris nodded her head when Minerva looked at her for guidance because she was still frightened of the dream she had the previous night.
Iris grabbed Minerva's hand in hers, so that Minerva had more strength. "I don't know if it was a vision of the future, or a dream, but all I can say is that Voldemort is gaining more followers," A couple flinched at the name. "I also believe he is becoming much more powerful. In what I saw, he kidnapped my family for answers. I told him I had none, So he had Bellatrix use the Cruciatus curse daughter." Minerva said, looking down, she wanted to cry at the thought of her family being hurt, but she didn't want to look weak, especially during these dark times.
"Thank you, Minerva, that was very helpful, and I know how difficult it can be to share those things," Molly said, putting a comforting hand on Minerva's back.
"So what's the plan?" Iris asked. The room went silent as everyone was thinking of a plan.
"I think we should add Auror's around, to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary," Kingsley said, as he stood up and walked around the table thinking.
"That's a good idea. Also, I think we should have someone looking after the school. Merlin knows what Umbridge is doing," Tonks said, gagging at the hated professor's name.
Everyone agreed and after a few more hours of talking, "It's settled then, but now, I think we all need to rest, it's been a long day,"Sirius said, standing up, and walking out of the room, after saying good night.
The rest of the group said their sweet dreams and headed up to bed, but first, Minerva and Iris went up to check up on their daughter. They opened the door quietly, hoping to not wake the others, and walked over to Luce and bent down to kiss her and say good night. They found her laying next to Ginny like usual; the two were still fast asleep. Both Minerva and Iris smiled. After they covered the two girls up, they walked back to the door, and finally left for bed.

Surviving......Hogwart's Fanfic
Fanfic"Except, when coming from our family and knowing the impossible standards that come with it, you wouldn't be too keen to gain pity from strangers." Lucinda Andrella Malfoy: younger sister of Draco Malfoy and only daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malf...