Chapter 65: Conclusion Of The Battle At El Dorado

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A/N: Hello everyone. I bring you a new chapter. I made this chapter especially long as I promised in the previous chapter. Anyway, enjoy.

Before Leon's Death

As the fight between Leon and Kris was going on, another, even more violent battle was taking place in the sky above El Dorado. A shockwave that shook the entire universe was occurring, and the culprits were Diablo, Testarossa, and the female elite, Casca.

Holding her lance, Casca calmly observed Diablo and Testarossa, who were a distance away from her, breathing heavily.

"I admit that you both have seriously surpassed my expectations, but I have you both beat in everything. Take pride in the fact that you two have lasted this long against me in battle," Casca told them.

Testarossa gritted her teeth in anger but couldn't say anything because she knew that what Casca said was correct. She and Diablo had tried everything on her, and she shrugged them off with little effort. If it was just her fighting this woman, she would have died a million times over. This was a huge blow to her, as she had power equal to a true dragon, the pinnacle of the world.

Diablo brought his hand to his mouth and laughed, "Kuf-fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fu! You are indeed strong, but we were both given the mission of stopping you, and it would be blasphemy to go against my lord's orders."

Casca sighed at that. "Guess I have to kill you two if I want to conquer this kingdom, then."

"Hump! You can try, but I assure you we are not easy to kill," Testarossa said, readying her whip.

Casca, raising her lance in the air and shot out multiple light orbs, which divided until there were more than a million thst began to head toward Diablo and Testarossa.

"Here they come," Diablo said as he activated his ultimate skill, which turned the world black. When the blackness receded, all those millions of light orbs had disappeared.

Casca, taking advantage of their distraction, rushed toward Testarossa with her lance ready. Testarossa, seeing her, readied her whip.

She began to spin her whip, creating multiple death orbs that she sent towards Casca.

"Cheap tricks!"

Casca, creating a multi-layered barrier around her, continued her charge at Testarossa. Due to her speed being millions of times faster than light, she appeared in front of Testarossa before the blink of an eye and stabbed her with her lance.

She smirked as she saw Testarossa cough out black blood, but her smirk changed as she saw Testarossa smiling at her.

"Oh crap!"

Before she could react, the Testarossa she had stabbed exploded, catching her in the blast. The explosion was powerful enough to destroy at least two universes, but it was contained thanks to Diablo's ultimate skill.

Testarossa appeared beside Diablo, looking pale but smiling.

"I can't believe she fell for it. Do you think she is dead, Diablo?"

"Let's watch for now. Even if she survives your clone's explosion, she would be pretty wounded, giving us more opportunity to kill her," Diablo calmly told her.

Before long, the explosion died down, and to the shock of both Diablo and Testarossa, Casca was seen floating in the air without a single scratch on her. She looked at both Testarossa and Diablo calmly.

"Gotta say, that took me by surprise. If not for my turn null energy, I would have been seriously injured by that attack. Well, playtime is over!"

Saying that, Casca began to release an insurmountable aura that shocked both Diablo and Testarossa.

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