Chapter 37: The Engagement Party

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The day is finally here. The moment everyone has been anticipating is finally here. The engagement party between Rimuru and Milim. A union that really shocked the whole world. Many people were in attendance and the kingdom of Tempest was in a very festive mode. Fireworks were in full display in the city and many stores and marchants were in business within the city.

In Rimuru's castle, there is a big room that looks like it could fit a lot of people. The room has a big chandelier and it was filled with so many tables and lots of refreshments. This was the ball room that was built for occasions such as the one that is happening today. The room was filled with so many guests ranging from nobles to commoners.

The people in attendance were western council representatives, Emperor Elmesia and her guards, Gazel Dwargo and his subordinates, Youm or King Youm as he is called now is also in attendance along with his wife Mjurran, Grucius and some of his guards. All of Rimuru's top ranking officials were also in attendance. Carrion and Frey along with their own people there as well. Even Demon Lord Luminus is in attendance along with Pope Louis, Hinata and the other top Paladins. Though, people didn't know she was the actual ruler of Lubelius due to the fact that no one has ever seen her before. Hinata brought Shizu's Students with her with the invitation that Rimuru gave them. Apart from this people, many other royals and Kings were in attendance and so many commoners were also in attendance.

The ball room was filled with different people and many nobles were trying to use this opportunity to curry favour from so many VIPs in the room.

In a section of the room, we see King Gazel having a chat with King Youm

"Wow! Look at all this VIPs in one place" Youm said

"Well this is to be expected. Is not everyday that two powerful demon lords gets engaged" King Garzel said

"You said it. From every stories I've heard about demon lord Milim, I would never have expected her to want to settle down in marriage and with Rimuru no less" Youm said while drinking his wine

"Demon Lord Milim is called the Destroyer for a reason. Let's just be glad that Rimuru is able to tame her" Gazel said

"I couldn't have said it better myself King Gazel" Elmesia said will coming to them

"O great! Is Emperor Elmesia herself" Gazel said with a sigh

"What's with that tone of voice Gazel? Ain't you glad to see me" Elmesia asked him with a teasing voice

"I know you well enough to know that whenever you are being polite like this must mean that you are plotting something" Gazel said to her

"Well ain't you a party popper. Anyway..." Elmesia turned to Youm and smiled "It is nice to meet the new King of the Farmenas kingdom"

Youm swallowed a lump in his throat before answering "It is nice to meet a legendary figure such as yourself Emperor Elmesia Taillon"

"Pleasures is mine. If you don't mind my asking, I heard that you and Demon Lord Rimuru are very close?" Elmesia asked

"I won't say very close, but we are friends if that is what you are asking" Youm told her

"Wonderful. Can you please tell me what Demon Lord Rimuru is like from your perspective?" Elmesia asked

Youm looked taken aback from the question, but nevertheless still answered "There is not much to tell you. Demon Lord Rimuru is the strongest being I know. His strength is unrivaled and is even stated to be greater than that of Demon Lord Milim. He is very powerful, but that is not what makes him great. I don't know how to explain it to you, but Rimuru has this air around him that makes you want to rely on him with all your problems. His compassion and wisdom makes others want to follow him. In short, he is a good guy even though he is a Demon Lord"

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