Chapter 1 : New Day, New Trouble

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Lyra POV:

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Lyra POV:

Another day of school, another day of walking around hell. I understand that with whatever is happening in the god realm, Mother wishes me to stay safe here, but it's annoying. I wanted to help, but she wouldn't let me. I looked around for Marco. A friend of mine who I've known since we were kids. He's human, but he was able to handle the information that gods and demigods exist. It also helps that he found a spirit when we were younger that he's the only one who can see it, it also possesses him. She's annoying. Always pessimistic about everything. We still have problems and doubts about whether she's able to mimic Marco's positive, upbeat personality. I continued to search the school hallways until I found him. Marco. He wore the school uniform as always with pride. While I still felt uncomfortable and itchy in it. He had his back turned to me, so to grab his attention I said, "Hey, Marco." Marco turned around and I was suddenly feeling frustration and annoyance. Instead of the bright hazel brown his eyes would be, they were a dark and emotionless, dull brown. Meaning she was in control. "Do you mind?" I asked angrily. Marco's head tilted to his right in confusion, though it wasn't his. After a moment, Marco's eyes widened and he grinned, seemingly understanding of the situation. "What's wrong, upset to see me?" She said, mockingly. Marco's tone was excited, bubbly, and soft usually. But never patronizing. That's what I unfortunately heard though. I took a deep breath to calm myself and said, "Yes, actually. Why are you here?" "I was bored, that's why." She retorted. She looked around and asked, "What do you want?" "You out and gone," I said quickly responding. She shook her head, "Sorry, no can do." Then she walked away and disappeared into the crowd. It's odd how I can talk like that out in the open and no one looks at us like we're crazy. But either way, I began to try and worm my way through the crowd. (Marco has a no-tardy streak he's proud of. No way am I letting her break it.)

??? POV:

After losing Lyra, I walked through the halls until I reached the older part of the school. The school had recent renovations, but they didn't fix this part of the school, so no one comes around here because it's falling apart. Nor does it have cameras. Perfect for me to do as I please. Marco hadn't woken up yet, so I grabbed control before he did. And he's still asleep. Either way, I wasn't going to lose this. I've known the two of them for almost 11 years now, and I rarely get control. I can't blame Marco and Lyra for trying to keep me out, but I'd really like to stay in just for a day. And today was that day. I wandered around, watching the cracks, listening to the wind blow through till I turned right around a corner and stopped in my tracks. At the end of the hallway was a dead-end wall. And one of the students was cornered by another much taller than them. I recognized the shorter student, a young girl who had a couple of classes with Marco. But I didn't recognize the other. The young girl was trembling in fear, while the student whom I didn't recognize lifted their hand toward her. It was covered in black and their fingertips were claw-like and glowing purple. Against my better judgment, and instead of leaving it alone, I yelled, "HEY!" The girl looked in my direction and then quickly glanced at the tall student before darting away. She stopped for a second to nod a silent thank you to me and then ran. The other student clenched their hand into a fist and it changed back to normal. They turned and looked at me, and I froze. Their sclera was black and the irises were glowing yellow, while their bangs were tipped in purple and a patch of their hair was pure white. I recognized that face, but I didn't recognize the glare. Nor the anger behind their eyes. It was like staring at a ghost I hadn't seen for centuries. They walked up to me and I could see the height difference between Marco and them. Marco was 5 ft 9. But they were taller, maybe 6 and a half feet tall. I couldn't move, they looked at me silently. Though it was long enough I was scared he sensed me. But they then asked, "Wanna tell me what a mortal like you is doing here?" (Oh thank gods. He doesn't realize I'm a spirit possessing a teenage mortal.) Even though some of the tension was released for me, I still couldn't move, I couldn't give them an answer. Because I couldn't tell who was asking the question. The only thing I could stutter out was, "Dr-Drannus?" And that ended up being my mistake. As soon as I did, I was grabbed by the neck and slammed against the lockers. You could hear them echo. I hissed from the pain and grabbed the arm that was holding me by the neck. They had a very tight grip, tight enough that I was close to choking. (Damn it, I forget how I feel everything Marco feels when in control.) Drannus glared at me with pure hatred and anger, nothing like how I remembered. "How in Hell do you know my name." They asked with a growl in their voice. I stayed silent, for two reasons. One, to catch my breath from the shock of the whole scenario, and two, I kinda wanted to spite them. Drannus squeezed, and I felt my ability to breathe lessen. After a moment, I strained out, "You know......... It's a little... Redundant... To kill someone you want information from." I smiled, hoping that they might loosen how tightly they were holding me. Instead, Drannus did the opposite, gripping harder. And as they did, they said, "That's the thing, buddy, if I kill you, no underworld, no afterlife. Just darkness. And I can do whatever I please to get information out of you until I find you boring or useless." They paused, then continued with a smile, "And then I can just destroy your soul. So what do you think? Talk now with the hope of living, or die and suffer at my hands for what seems to be eternity." We stared at each other silently, I knew the clock was ticking, I was just lucky Drannus was letting me have time to decide. (Got damn it. I'm double-dead if Marco wakes up or if Lyra finds out. Though, they should be the least of my worries. What do I do?) I was trying to find options, ways out, but the only way I could think of was to tell them I existed and hopefully, they wouldn't kill the mortal. "Got an answer?" Drannus impatiently asked. Seems like their temper shortened. "Yep, just gotta phrase it properly," I said cockily. Their grip loosened slightly, they looked amused. (There we go. Now gotta say this right.) I glanced to the left where if someone would come through, but I wasn't going to get any help out of this. I knew that much. Whoever that girl was, she wasn't coming back. And I don't blame her. I looked back to Drannus and said, "You know, the mortal doesn't know anything about you considering he's only what? 17. I'm centuries old, and he hasn't asked me for a single history lesson, ain't that interesting." Drannus's eyes widened, they looked at me for a moment in shock before letting me go. I fell to the ground and coughed, "My, I didn't expect a spirit to be hanging around the mortal realm. Especially one old enough to know about me. I'm impressed." I smiled and said in surprise, "You believe me?" Drannus nodded. They said, "Of course, it took a moment, but now ........." They glanced around for a few seconds and said, "Now I don't know what to do with you, send a spirit that should have died centuries ago to the underworld, or let you hang around. Though who knows, how long have you known the mortal?" I shrugged, "Eh, around 11 years. Practically nothing." They nodded again, Drannus seemed to understand. They waved to me and then walked away in silence. As they were, Lyra rounded the corner, looked at Drannus, and then saw me on the ground. Lyra ran to me and turned to face Drannus, but as she did, they were gone. She growled, "Ugh, jerk. Where did he go?" "Somewhere," I said softly. Lyra looked back at me and asked with concern, "Are you okay, what happened?" I shrugged my shoulders again and said, "Nothing really. I just tripped and they were here." "And the finger marks around Marco's neck?" Said Lyra skeptically. "Don't think I can't see them." (Shit.) I didn't make eye contact with Lyra for a few seconds, hoping she might let go of the subject. After a minute of her silently staring me down, she sighed and said, "Look, I'll make a deal with you. I won't tell Marco what happened or go after that guy I assume attacked you. As long as you behave for the rest of the school day, and tell me. Who was that?" I stayed silent and looked down. (She doesn't know who Drannus is. And I don't trust her to hold up and not go after them. As much as I wouldn't care, Lyra's going to get herself killed.) I shook my head and spoke in a quiet and sober tone. "That being isn't anyone you wish to deal with. They...... They aren't human. Not anymore." Lyra raised an eyebrow and with intrigue in her voice asked, "Do you know them?" I nodded, "Unfortunately. The most I can say about them is that they wouldn't be here in a high school. Not unless they have a good reason." Lyra looked in the direction Drannus left in, "So why are they here?" She asked. I didn't look at her as I said, "That's the problem, I don't know." We left it at that and went to class. While Lyra was looking straight ahead and naming off the homework projects we had to complete, I was constantly glancing from the corner of my eye everywhere. Any dark spot, anywhere someone like him could watch and hide. I knew I wouldn't be able to see him if he was invisible, but even though I treated it like I was fine, it was nothing. No, I was shaken up, and for the first time in centuries, I felt fear. (Drannus, you Silver Tongue. What's going through your head? What are you doing here?)  

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