sungho - regular customer

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1667 words


"you know, he might not come today."

wooyeon, one of your colleagues said after seeing you staring at the door. "maybe you're right," you sighed, turning around.

"you can go and change your clothes, your shift is almost over," she said, patting your shoulders. you nodded at her and went into the locker room to pack your things up.

"she's sulking because she can't see him huh?" seunghan, another colleague of yours said. wooyeon nodded at his question, causing the two of them shook their heads.

"how can she like a boy she doesn't even know well," seunghan questioned, looking at wooyeon. "oh come on, you also like that flower shop owner's daughter, you barely know her as well," she replied, rolling her eyes at him.

"sheesh, don't expose me like that," he said while side eyeing her. "coward," she mumbled, making seunghan gasped dramatically at her.

*ding ding*

they stopped bickering when they heard the doorbell chimed. they turned around and saw sungho, who was your crush walking in to the cafe.

"oh crap, where's y/n?" wooyeon said, walking to the locker room. "quickly go and drag her out," seunghan whispered, hushing her to hurry up.


"maybe he has something to do today," you mumbled to yourself, trying to untie your apron.


you flinched at wooyeon's sudden appearance. "what?" you asked in confusion, stopping the things that you're doing.

"he's here!"

"who are you talkin-" before you could finish your sentence, you were dragged by wooyeon out from the locker room.

"what the hell is going on-" you mumbled, looking around your surroundings.

"uhh, please wait for a moment, someone will serve you inste-" seunghan stopped once he saw you coming out from the locker room. "oh, she's here," he added, dragging you towards the counter.

before you could even figure out what was going on, you were already standing in front of sungho.

"hey, y/n," sungho said, waving his hand in front of you after seeing you being spaced out.

"oh, hi," you said after knowing why did wooyeon dragged you here. "the usual?" you added before glaring at your colleagues.

"maybe i'll try other drinks today, what's your recommendation?" he asked. "i recommend the strawberry latte, that's my favorite," you answered, smiling at him. "sure, i'll try that," he said, taking out his card to pay.

after he paid for his drink, you started to make his drink by yourself since wooyeon and seunghan were "busy" doing their things.

"are they talking?" seunghan whispered after wiping the same spot of the table for minutes. "shush, they're talking," wooyeon answered, arranging the chairs even though they were already neatly positioned.

anyways, back to you and sungho.

"so," sungho paused, leaning on the counter, "you're not a caffeine drinker?"

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