Chapter 1

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It has been 5 decades since Malik family left Lucknow. Ilyas Malik moved to Mumbai to grow his business now he comes top 10 richest person in India. now he was old and wanted to spend his last few years inhis home town and when his Grandson suggested to move the Headquarter to Lucknow he said yes immediately

It was early morning and Malik's house was in chaos, boxes were lying around, things scattered here and there. The Malik family had moved back to their Hometown a day before and everyone was busy in unpacking and settling in  their Ancestral home.

Everyone was in their room when they heard "Ilyas Malik...Ilyas" The loud voice of an old man echoed and reached every ear present in the Malik house. Junaid Ali khan and Amana Junaid entered the house along with his sons and daughter in laws. "Ilyas Malik...Come out"

Ilyas Malik came out of his room after hearing shouting . He was shocked and overwhelmed after seeing the person who was shouting like a mad man. His eyes lit up seeing his neighbor and childhood best friend of years. "Junaid khan"

Saima smiled as she looked at her friend. Saima and Amana were also school friends just like their partners. They all grew up in the same neighborhood Their parents were also friends and would always spend time together before Ilyas Malik left Lucknow.

Saima moved forward to invite them in, but she was stopped by Junaid's angry look and hand asking her stop. Junaid huffed and moved towards Ilyas whose face fell at his friends reaction. Junaid punched him in stomach "Brother i am old now you can't just punch me like this" Ilyas said

There was uncomfortable silence as everyone looked at each other full of confusion. Saima couldn't wait any longer and rushed towards Amana and hugged her.

"Junaid" Ilyas spoke after a long silence "I know you are mad at me .." "We get angry at the person who we love, not some strangers" Junaid mocked cutting him off.

Amana rolled her eyes at her husband's dramatic behavior and said "Ilyas brother, don't listen to him , you know how your friend is the biggest drama queen" "I am not doing some drama " he said and punched him again

Ilyas chuckled and nodded at Amana's word and said "Okay I agree I couldn't come to meet you all these years, but you should have come to meet me"
He patted his friend's shoulder "Come on now drop this anger and give your friend a hug" Ilyas said and took him in a hug, Junaid also hugged him back with a huge grin on his face.

Everyone smiled looking at two best friends. After twenty minutes of reunion and introduction of other family members everyone settled on the couches.

"So how did you decide to come back after all these years?I thought you will never come back" Junaid spoke looking at his friend

"I have passed all the business to my grandson and he suggested we move our headquarters here in Lucknow" Ilyas spoke explaining

"And I am also getting old I wanted to spend my last days in my hometown, so we came back to our city" Ilyas continued.

"You did great coming back here and bought kids with you too" Junaid said "I thought we won't even get to see their facesAmana started getting emotional along with Saima who was sitting beside her.

Zayyan and Zaroon who were sitting beside each other decide to cheer things up after seeing elders starting to get emotional. Do you old people know anything other than crying" Zayyan said teasing the elders.

That's right guys, you have met each other after so many years you should party and here you guys are crying while hugging each other" Zaroon said agreeing with Zayyan.

"Your father must be old not us we are still young" said Ilyas to his grandsons "Well Idiot did say the right thing we should do a party " Junaid said looking at his bestfriend.

"Okay then when we completely settled down let's have aparty " said Ahmed to his father. "And Anadia also coming back from London after years it will be a welcome Party for her to" said Saima.

" Anadia who?" Asked Amana "Our grand daughter and Ahmed and Sara Eldest Daughter has been studying in London for 4 years and now is coming back to complete her studies" said Ilyas.

"This is also great we will also meet Anadia" Junaid said. "i will look after all the preparation for Party" Daniyal said " i will help you" Danish said "we will help to " other youngsters yelleld

The Khan family invited the Malik family for dinner as the Malik house kitchen was not yet set up. Both families had dinner together laughing and chatting with each other.

Malik was ready to leave after bidding goodbyes to the khan family when some one entered the house. "Asher where were you? is this the time to come home?" Junaid khan scolded his grandson.
"i had a business diner that's why i got late" explained Asher "Atleast do you diner at home with family, all you do is work n work" said his mother.

" Ilyas this is my second grandson who only knows how to do work he is a workaholic." Junaid said introducing his grandson.
"As salaam u alaikum" Asher greeted the elders "walaikum as Salam" replied everyone.

Asher became awkward as everyone's attention was on him. Seeing his awkwardness Saima said " come on lets leave its getting late we can meet Asher properly after words" Everyone agreed and they bid their byes and  started to leave.



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