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Tae and Jungkook come to Korea back as all the problems are solved and Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Namjoon and Jin also forgive Jungkook as they know that the boy seriously sorry for what he did.

Before they head back Korea they stay at Kim mansion as Mr. and Mrs. Kim wanted to celebrate that happiness and have family dinner they invited Mr. and Mrs. Jeon but they can't come because of their busy schedule so they deny to come..

Tae Mrs. Kim and Jin were making dinner for them and that time Jin feel his eyes going blurry he feel his head dizzy..

"mom I'm I.." and he was about to fall..

"jinie.. "Mrs. Kim run to him and catch him to fall on the floor..

"what happened to him.." tae also go there and they take Jin to his room and lay him on the bed..

"eomma ..what happen to hyung ?" tae asked worriedly...

"I think he was not feeling well from two days and also he was omitting because of egg smell.. he was not eating well also.. and doing overwork.. I think that's why he got unconscious."

tae nodded.. they wait for Jin to get hi consciousness...

Jin open his eyes after some minute and look here and there tae and Mrs. Kim was looking at him with worried expression ..

"careful.. " tae said and make him sit properly and then he set on the edge of the bed and take Jin's hand in his..

"what happened Hyungie.. why didn't you tell us that you are not feeling well" tae said..

Jin smile at his baby brother.

"its nothing serious tae.. I'm Just not feeling well nowadays..."

"but still baby you have to take care of yourself and now Just rest okay.." Mrs. Kim said sweetly while caressing Jin's hair Jin smile at her and nodded..

"and one more thing.. Go and get pregnancy test because all the signs are like that.." Mrs. Kim said and Jin's eyes go wide and cheeks red..

"w-what no mom I'm not pregnant.. " Jin said looking at other side..

"why ? don't you want baby? " Mrs. Kim said with smiley face.. Jin look at her and shook his head .

"no mom its not like that.. I'm just nervous .. and about baby.. I wanted it so badly and Joon also wanted the baby he told me one day.."

"then don't be nervous and go take a test .."

"ok" Jin said and look down..

Jin get up from the bed and take a test kit and go to the bathroom..

Tae and Mrs. Kim are waiting for Jin and also barging on that whom baby like most?..

Jin come out of the room with head low with the stick in his hand..

Tae and Mrs. Kim get up from the seat and went to Jin..

"what's the result baby.." Mrs. Kim asked and Jin just give him the stick and Mrs. Kim and tae got emotional that the stick is showing Two lines and tae just hug Jin tightly..

"I'm gonna be uncle .. yayyy." tae was squealing Mrs. Kim shoo him from Jin.

"you little brat don't shake him like that it will be harm for the baby.." Mrs. Kim said and then he kissed Jin's forehead .. Jin chuckle and tae was sulking in the corner of his head..

"you want to tell Joon right " Mrs. Kim said with a smile.. Jin nodded...

"okay then we will surprise him when he come home.." Tae said and clap his hands cutely.. Mrs. Kim and Jin were looking at him with fond look..

they start to decorate the room and then tae and Mrs. Kim complete to make dinner.. they plopped on the sofa and start to watch their favorite serial. Jin was feeling little tired so he was resting in his room.

Namjoon and Jungkook come home and that time Jin was also with Tae and Mrs. Kim..

They smile and welcome them.. Jin was blushing continuously so Namjoon finally asked..

"Jinie why are you blushing hmm ? is there anything that making you blush..." Namjoon asked and Jin nodded..

" and what's that.." Namjoon asked..

"its a surprise hyung you will know soon" Tae said and Jin look down again Namjoon nodded and again start to eat.. they finisher their dinner and then Jin take Joon in their room for the surprise..

the room was decorated with balloons and other things.. Jin give his one box like this 🔽

Namjoon look at him with confuse face and when he open it his eyes go wide and he look at Jin with teary eyes

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Namjoon look at him with confuse face and when he open it his eyes go wide and he look at Jin with teary eyes..

" baby.. y-you are pregnant.." Namjoon asked .. Jin was also emotional he nodded and Namjoon lift him and swirl him in the air Jin gasped..

"yayyy... I'm gonna be a father .. you are gonna be mother.. I'm so happy.." Namjoon was shouting in happiness..

"Joon get me down.. My head is spinning.." Jin said.. and Namjoon get him down and hug him tightly..

"I'm so happy love.. Thank you so much and I love you.." Namjoon said and then packed Jin's lips and then he sit on his knees and kiss Jin's flat tummy..

he get up and hold Jin's hand and take him out of he room and shout.. " mom dad .. tae Jungkook we are gonna be parents.. everyone smile at soon to be parents..

everyone has smile and congratulating them.. but one person has tears in his eyes and that was Jungkook .. tae knew that this will happen and he go to Jungkook and hug him and calm him down...

Jungkook know that he was gonna blame himself life time ..

they do little party only family members as Jin don't wanted noise now..

they are so happy and tae and Jungkook decided to stay here till baby comes in this world and Mrs. Kim can't take care of Jin nicely so tae suggest that they will stay more here .. Jungkook also get agree because he have to take care of his new branch..

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