CHAPTER III- THE DIVORCE (Finally breaking free)

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"so this is it huh Chloe? After all these years you want to leave me high and dry. You can't and won't get a divorce. Not from me" Ceaser screams his lungs out, loud enough to bring down all the buildings of the kingdom. In a grand hall of the palace, Ceaser and Chloe stood face to face, their voices raised in argument. "You cannot be serious," Ceaser said, his voice low and dangerous. "You know what this will mean for me - for us."
"I'm very serious," Chloe said, her eyes flashing with anger. "I can't live like this anymore. I need a divorce."
"A divorce?" Ceaser roared. "You would ruin me!"
Just then, Queen Maria swept into the room. "Enough," she said sternly.
"Ceaser, you will not touch her," the queen said, her voice like steel. "And you will not threaten her either. You have no idea what she is capable of."
Ceaser took a step back, his face pale. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice quivering.
"Chloe has certain... evidence in her possession," the queen said, her eyes narrowed. "Evidence that could bring you down from your throne if it was made public."
Ceaser paled further, his hands shaking. "What evidence?" he asked."It doesn't matter what it is," the queen said. "What matters is that you know that she has it, and that she is not afraid to use it if she needs to. I think you would be wise to reconsider your position especially when most of your staff in protected costody of our kingdom are ready to testify against you."
Ceaser looked between the queen, fear and anger clearly visible in his stern face and Chloe, his mind racing, the  Finally, he nodded. "Fine," he said. "I will grant you the divorce. But I expect compensation."
The queen smiled coldly. "Of course what do you need," she said. "We have a contract drawn up already. "You will sign it," the queen said, "and then you will leave the palace. You will never return, and you will never speak of this again. If you do, the consequences will be severe."
Ceaser hesitated, but then he nodded, his eyes downcast. "I agree," he said, his voice low. "I will sign the contract but you will give me the landscape of magnus with 20 gold bags and 70 silver bags."
The queen handed him a quill and the contract, and he signed it, with his hand shaking slightly. "There," he said, his voice trembling. "It is done."
The queen took the contract from him, her eyes triumphant.
"Magda!!!" She calls. Magda enters the hall with 20 gold bags and 70 silver bags as requested by ceaser. "You will receive the deed for the landscape of magnus is 14 working days.
"I hope that this is a lesson to you," the queen said, her voice hard. "Never underestimate the women in your life. We are capable of more than you know."
With that, she turned and swept from the room with Chloe by her side, leaving Ceaser alone, his world turned upside down. He sank into a chair, his head in his hands. He had lost everything - his wife, his dignity and his reputation. All because of one woman, she was going to pay dearly

The sun was shining brightly as Chloe and her parents gathered in the courtyard of their home. There was a sense of joy and relief in the air, as Chloe had finally been freed from her marriage to Ceaser. Her parents were overjoyed to have their daughter back, and they were eager to hear all about her time away.
"So, tell us everything," her mother said, taking her hand. Chloe smiled, taking a deep breath. "Where to begin?" she asked, before launching into the story of her time with Ceaser. She spoke of the palace, the court, and the people she had met. She told them of the secrets she had learned, and the danger she had faced. And most importantly, she told them of her miscarriage and the journey alone while facing the loss of her child that no one knew of.
As she spoke, her parents listened with rapt attention, their eyes wide with wonder and admiration,tears and saddness expectially her mom. "You've been through so much," her father said, his voice full of pride and happiness.

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