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The next day, Luna finally built up the courage to ask Maeve about her CDs. It had taken longer then she cared to admit, but once she did it, the Ares girl seemed to be thrilled.

"Finally, someone who actually knows who these people are," Maeve grumbled as she trudged through her bag, trying to find her Walkman. "I mean, all of my siblings are practically clueless." She placed both her hands on her hips, looking very judgmental, and turned towards Luna. "Did you know, one time Clarisse asked me what a Beatle was?"

Luna snorted. "No way."

Maeve nodded. "Very much way."

"You mean to tell me Clarisse has an unhealthy obsession with Fight Club, but doesn't know about the Beatles?"

She groaned. "Do not get me started on Fight Club. It's not even that good, if you think about it. Although..." Maeve smirked and cast a look towards the poster hung by Clarisse's bed. "Brad Pitt is unfairly hot. Don't you think?"

Luna craned her head and looked at the poster. He was attractive, she couldn't deny that- blonde hair, blue eyes, all muscles and jaw- but for some reason, her mind wouldn't stop slipping to the actress that played Marla. She couldn't recall her name, but she did think she was really pretty.

She shrugged. "He's alright."

Maeve groaned angrily. She zipped up her bag aggressively. "Where is that piece of shit? I can't believe I lost it."

"We could use mine," Luna offered.

She stopped. "You have a Walkman?"


"Well then why didn't you say so sooner?!"

"I didn't think you'd want to use it, to be honest," Luna answered, looking amused at how worked up the Ares girl was getting.

"Doesn't matter. Just take it out."

They walked over to Luna's bed, and Maeve watched as she pulled out her Sony Walkman. They put in the Backstreet Boys CD, and suddenly the cabin was filled with the sound of the intro to "Everybody". Nobody was there but them, which meant they could turn the sound up as much as they wanted and listen in with blissfully no interruptions.

The rest of the afternoon was spent that way; Laying on Luna's bed and going through all the tracks Maeve had. They didn't talk that much, but it wasn't uncomfortable- The music filled the silence very well. At one point, Maeve had to leave for the arena, and since Luna didn't attend any lessons, she stayed in their cabin and listened contently until the last CD skittered to a stop.

It was about three pm when she finally decided to go out again. Before she could though, the door to cabin five burst open, and all the Ares kids filled in hurriedly. They were clad in armor that clinked when they walked, and were completely soaked.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Stupid rain is what happened," Clarisse growled as she trudged over to her bed and started to unbuckle her wet armor. The others grumbled in agreement.

Luna rushed over to her own bed in an attempt to protect her belongings that were about to be drenched in water. "Careful," She hissed as she grabbed her bag out of the way. The floor between her and Clarisse's bed was already wet, so she had to jump on the mattress.

The Ares girl turned and looked down at her. "Sorry,"

"It's fine," Luna said. She cleared her throat. "I don't get it though. I thought it couldn't rain in here? Camp Boarders or whatever?"

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