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Waltz's Academy - 02:21 PM

"Welcome to Waltz's Academy students, today will begin your journey to better hone your skills to become full-time witches." the principal announces in front of all the students with a microphone.

"My name is Helena Waltz, I am the headmistress of this academy. You may refer to me as Miss Helena. I want you all to treat the new batch of witches with the warmest welcome... or with a wicked spell if you have to." she says, trying to be humorous but it doesn't work.

"I can't wait to study here, my great-grandmother studied here, then it was her daughter who studied here and then it was my mom who studied and then—"

"Pardon me, but could you please quiet down?" a witch interjects. "Sorry, just super excited!" she squeals making all the students stare at her. "Well, I'm not. I'm looking forward to finally leaving the school someday." another witch joins in.

"Kinda the opposite here, I think I'm getting.... butterflies in my stomach."

"I'm Illyria, Weather Modification." she goes to shake her hands but the girl doesn't respond to her gesture. "Sylvia, Gemstone Materialisation. How about you two?" Sylvia turns to the other two.

"I'm Estelle, Dream Kinesis! "
"My name is Aria, Music Mastery."

The last girl introduces herself— she's wearing a pair of black satin gloves. "Settle down students, you'll resume your chitter-chatter in your dorms. Now, follow me!" The headmistress instructs as a line of witches starts to form.

The girls start walking while noticing a student— just standing there, staring off into the distance.


Let's see.... Dorm W5, this is it!

| Mirae Kang |
| Estelle Imena|
| Illyria Kairos|
| Sylvia Rowan|
| Aria Nguyen |

"It's now or never."
She hesitantly opens the door to reveal four girls already inside unpacking.

"Hey, you must be our last roommate. I'm Illyria."
"Mirae Kang. Emotion Manipulation."

"Wait a minute, you're the girl who was staring off into the distance." Sylvia claims. "Yeah, you can refer to me as that... I guess." Mirae sighs at the end.

"What?! No, we're not like that, I promise. I'm Estelle. But you can call me Ella if you want. Am I talking too much? I think I'm talking too much—"
Aria sends a glare at Estelle— shutting her up before returning to her usual perfect smile. "Okay then..." Mirae mutters before walking off to her room. "What room am I?"

"Oh, you're rooming with me. Don't worry, I promise I won't summon a storm when you're sleeping. You know, power of weather and stuff." Illyria tries to joke about the matter. "I'm more concerned that you think I'll think of you like that." Mirae quips— as an embarrassed Illyria just stands there as Mirae settles down on her side of the bed.


Dorm W5 - 09:36 PM

"Hey Mirae, I wanna ask. How come you didn't unpack your stuff yet?" Illyria, her roommate questions. "Well, I was quite lazy so I decided to unpack it tomorrow." Mirae makes an excuse.

"Alright then.. goodnight roomie." Illyria switchs off the light, plunging the room into darkness. Mirae lies on bed, wide awake— unable to stop hearing the clock ticking every second. She unzips her backpack that was right beside her bed.

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