Chapter 13 Mens Blissful Menders

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Water was spitting down on the street. Droplets are tripling down the door we stand in front of. It's warped and barely fits in its frame, a clue to this place's poor state. On the door hangs a just as worn sign, with the words MeNs blissfuLL menDeRs written on it. The randomness of small and big letters just adds to the struggle of the place. A squeaky sound comes from the door as it's being opened, In it a woman stands.

Her hair is light, her skin pale and her body is covered by a white dress, there have multiple discoloured spots, showing its long use. The skirt is tied around her waist exposing her legs. The chest area is barely covering what it should. "What can I do for you three?" She asks in a pitched voice.

The floor inside the house is built higher up than the street we are standing on. Making Narin's eyes at the same height, as her barely covered breast, and the young boy didn't look away.

"We are here to meet with Dolion," I say. She takes a moment to look over us and then asks, "Is that blood on your clothes?" While crossing my arms I reply, "Is it a problem if it is?" She makes space for us to walk in. "Not as long as I don't have to clean any up. Dolion is upstairs. Second door on the right." She points towards a small ladder standing in the middle of the room.

Neary takes the lead and heads for the ladder. But Narin has still not moved his gaze from the woman. "Thanks, and Narin. Stop staring at her bosom!" Narin looks down at the floor, most likely embarrassed for having been called out for his staring. The blonde woman chuckles before winking at him.

We follow Neary up the slim ladder. Only the tip of my boot can fit, I have to be very careful. The uneven height between each step makes it even more difficult to climb. This would be impossible to run down. Upstairs, the hall is slim, two people wouldn't be able to pass each other here. It smells mouldy but the place looks surprisingly clean...and empty. At the end of the wall a window let in light. 

There haven't always been rooms here. The walls are divided by wooden blanks, and in multiple places, there is room to look through. However, the sound of moans and thuds gives me no desire to see what happens behind these walls. The doors are barely doors, it's just a piece of fabric covering a hole.

I reach for the curtain while praying for it to be the right one. So that I don't have to see what is happening behind some of the other doors. "Is it the right door?" Narin asks. "it's the second on the right" I reply. While I pull the curtain a small mouse scurries over the floor. The room has no windows to let in light. But a small candle is on the floor, its small flame lighting up a man sitting up against the wall.

A black hood is covering his face. It's quite bulky as if he has something other than his head hidden under it. The room is mostly empty, just a chair, and a hay box with a sheet, for a place to lay. However, the state of it makes me understand why the man preferred the wall. This hooded figure, turned his head to look at us. "So you came." He stretches before standing up.

His eyes are the only thing not hidden by the scarf, but I couldn't make out any details from the dark. "I wasn't aware you were an amazon, Lorelei?" Amasone? Can he know something about who I am? "What is an amasone, I never heard that word before," I asked curious to know if this was a link to my past.

"I guess you wouldn't know of them. It is a Hellas myth, they were female warriors and they were known for being tall." He drew a comparison because we have similar traits. It has nothing to do with my past. Why am I so stupid to let hope take me so fast?

"I am delighted that you came, but I can see it wasn't without trouble," He says while gesturing to our clothes "We got cornered by some royal guards," Narin says shortly. "I am sure Ashley can find some clothes you can borrow. But that can wait, You are here so I assume you tested the potion."

"You did not exaggerate about the pain," Narin says, his shoulders were hunched. "Some nasty stuff but it does the work.-" Dolion acknowlege. "Now let us talk business,"

"We will hear you out, and make our decision from there," Narin stated. Neary is leaning up against the wall, close to the door. Ready to fight or flee.

"You three may have heard of the wedding between Princess Malika and Duke Teival."

"Of course we have, It is this year's biggest event after all."

"There are some people who do not wish for this wedding to take place."

"I assume a lot of people would be against it, especially Vuori's royal family."

"You shouldn't happen to have been hired by someone from Vouri?" Narin questions. Dolion doesn't reply instantly, "Who hired me is not of your concern. The wedding is to be held inside the castle walls." He changed the subject. "At the royal church no doubt," I remarked. After all where else would it be held?

"Yes, and I need to know how to get in and out without anyone stopping me-" Dolion takes a few steps around the room while folding his hands behind his back. "You know the place, and can tell me everything I need to know, to get in and out without being noticed." That is all he wants us to do, give him some information is easy, to easy.

"You are going to kill them, ain't you?" Narin accused. Neary has moved from the door and stands beside her brother, with her arms crossed. "Only one of them," Dolion responded. "Groom or bride?" I asked. "Does it matter?" Narin interrupted. "Actually, it does. After all the King has 3 daughters, if one dies, he can just offer the next one. No, the groom has to die. Are you in?" Dolion said,

Eyeing him, this man hidden in mystery, he is not to be trusted. But it is just information he needs, nothing more. He will kill the Duke if we help or not.  "Why should we trust you? When you don't even let us see your face," I probed.

"You can see my face, but it is no pretty sight." He reaches for the hood to pull it down, and removes the scarf covering his face. Some long white hair slides into view, on top of his head some bright blue elf horns twirl over it. Those are the first things noticed, but then I looked at his face. The brutal scars spread across cheek to cheek, this man has been through something horrible and painful.

"Are you in or out?" he asked. I want to say no, this is too dangerous for us, the guards are searching for us. But this is our only chance to be free of the guards forever. I look to Neary and Narin, and they both give a nod. "We are in," I say hesitant. 

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