Chapter 7 an offer

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This nice drawing of Lorelei was made by Verostrasza. It is a temporary cover. I will most likely change it to another one in a couple of chapters. Because let's be real, beautiful drawing, but not a good cover. But I have it and I wanna use it. Besides I been informed it can help your story to change covers a few times on your story.

 Besides I been informed it can help your story to change covers a few times on your story

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Despite my eyes being open, the only thing I am seeing is darkness. The first thing my senses pick up is the smell of something metallic, and then I get a sticky feeling on my face. As my vision comes in, the wooden roof of the Inn starts to form. Entering my ear is the muffled sound of Narin's voice. But I didn't quite hear what he said. When I shift my face in their direction, the twins are just a vague figure. My face stings, this wound is going to give me a scar, I am sure of it.

As I struggle to sit up, I get to look down at myself. My dress is ruined and covered in blood. "Thank god you are alive, We became worried when the blood started pouring down your face," Narin says. Neary and Narin are sitting at the edge of the spell circle, I am sitting in the middle of it. It's a carefully drawn circle for a haunting spell. All set up for me to get in and out without danger. Well, mostly no danger. Everything happening to you under the spell will happen to your real body. That included ripping my clothes.

Neary takes a rag with some water, and gives it to me "Thanks... the mission was a failure," I say while dipping my face with the rag. "I got caught, and worse they only had Neary's records." They both look uncomfortable. Something is bugging them, but before I get to ask what it is, Narin tells me. "No they did not have them...because they are here." Narin gestures to the table where files identical to the one at Pupillus are laying.

Confusion and frustration wheeled up in me, "Where did you get those?!?" I may have said it harsher than I meant. "I was on my way back here when a man called out to me. At first, I thought he was going to attempt robbing me but then,-" Narin paused for a moment. Hesitating before saying "Lorelei he knew our names, and he knows what we are doing here." My eyes were wide and my mouth ajar. "How is that possible?" Narin Gulped before saying "He didn't tell me, but he told me he had an offer to make us."

The rag makes a splash sound as I throw it to the ground "What did you agree to !?!" I shouted. "Nothing. He just gave me the records, I haven't agreed to anything yet." Narin tries to reassure me. "But he offered this." He gestures towards the table, where a small bottle with a glowing green liquid stands. "What is that? Narin, if you didn't agree to anything, why is it here?"

"The man claimed that it can remove the marks." It was as if my mind stopped working. Removing our mark is impossible, we tried. Even cutting into it doesn't remove it, when the skin healed it was still there. "If it works why would he even give it to you?" I ask. "We are three, that is only enough to remove one. He gave it to me so we can test it, so we know he speaks the truth."

My disbelief in that potion is big. But still, he must be sure of its ability to let us test it. This could be our freedom. But at what cost? "What does he want from us in exchange for this miracle potion?"

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