𝒛𝒆𝒓𝒐 - 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒏

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3𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯



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— AN OLD HOUSE SAT HIDDEN IN THE WOODS, left abandoned for fear of what's inside. The house was larger than it seemed from the outside, while one might assume it was a regular three or four bedroom house, once inside it more resembled a labyrinth. One you could never escape from, even if you managed to leave it.

The house had an interesting history, one that didn't just haunt the house itself but also the entire town surrounding it. The history of the house weighed heavily on everyone in the area, and their fear only resulted in powering the spirits inside.

The spirits were not all evil, however they were all hungry and waiting for something, or rather someone.

"He's coming." An older woman stated as she stood by the window, staring out into the woods.

"Who?" A young spirit asked, one who was not fully aware of just how deep the history of the house ran. Too young to know what they were all waiting for.

"The one we've been waiting for. He's coming." The older spirit repeated without giving an answer. Turning away from the window revealed her scarred face, her skin unnaturally pale, "The house has been waiting." She said with a manic look in her eyes the young spirit had never seen before, the way she spoke was eery, and her words left him confused. She spoke as though the house was much more than a regular house — she spoke as though the house was alive.

The young spirit shivered as the older spirit disappeared as though she was never there at all. Stepping forward, the young spirit looked out the same window she had been but saw nothing out of the ordinary and couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Who are they all waiting for?"


    "JAY!" A voice called in a panic.

A blonde man named Jasper Jett sat at his desk in the office he'd rented in Los Angeles once his channel began to grow and he began to take the whole thing more seriously. He was looking at a paper when she walked in, pinching the bridge of his nose to prevent the oncoming headache. "Hey Audrey." He greeted absentmindedly, oblivious to the panic his longtime friend and as of more recently, paid manager, had.

"Jay, I'm so sorry." Her voice called, panicked.

He frowned and looked up in confusion, finally realizing the panic in her voice. "What's wrong, Audrey?" He asked concerned, "Are you okay?"

She shook her head, swallowing thickly.

"Okay, it's okay, just breathe." He soothed gently, standing up, he approached her.

She took a deep breathe as instructed before she began to speak, "Someone leaked it." She said. With his brows furrowed in confusion, she continued, "Someone leaked a picture of you and Ethan."

His eyes went wide, his heart stopped. He swore he couldn't breathe. He was much used to his anxiety being a jerk, however he wasn't used to this. He kept his private life carefully tucked away from the one he revealed on social media for all to see, a major part of that was his sexuality, and his boyfriend — Ethan Montgomery.

He and Ethan had been dating for around a year, and had never been caught by any fans which admittedly took a lot of work on Jasper's side, much to Ethan's annoyance as he would have preferred being out in the open but Jasper was scared. He didn't want something so personal and close to him to be exposed to people who would rip apart for it.

"What?" He managed to choke out as he stared at his friend, "W-who?"

She shook her head, "I don't know." She admitted guiltily, "I've been looking but I haven't been able to find the first person who posted it. It's everywhere, Jay."

He breathed shakily, going to his desk to grab his phone instinctively so he could call his boyfriend before he paused, remembering last night's events. The screaming and shouting, the nasty words thrown around before Ethan walked out with promises to never return.

He couldn't call Ethan, and he didn't have anyone else to call. He sunk into his desk chair, his head falling forward.

"We broke up." He said, vulnerable as his voice cracked.

"Oh Jay..." Audrey responded gently, sympathetically although she couldn't truly understand what he was going through now.

He looked away, "Audrey..." he spoke after a minute, unable to look her in the eyes and see her pity, "Can you do me a favor?"


"Tell the fans, tell everyone. I'm going offline for an unknown amount of time. Call it a hiatus, me running away, I don't care. I just... I need to be alone for a while." He shook his head, looking at her, "I can't be online right now."

"Of course." She agreed despite the uncertainty in her eyes layered with concern.

He pushed himself up and away from his desk, shoving his phone into his pocket. He had no use for it right now, he didn't have anyone to call. "I'm going home for the day." He told her and then added, "For a while."

She nodded, though he didn't wait for a verbal response before walking past her and leaving the office all together.

The walk home was quiet and felt slower than it had ever seemed before, when he finally got home, he grabbed his phone to put on some music and disappear when he spotted a notification for a message request on Instagram. Clicking on it out of curiosity, he'd expected to find a message of support or hatred, but instead found something unrelated to any of the new whirlwind he'd been thrown into without preparation. The most curious thing was that it came from an account he recognized, one he'd even followed on his alternate, more personal, account.

@ Sam and Colby
Hey! Would you be interested in doing a video with us sometime?

He should have politely declined, maybe explained that he was taking a break from social media, however for some strange reason, he found himself drawn to the familiarity the duo brought, one he was stubbornly ignoring. Before he could think it through and likely change his mind, he typed out a response, agreeing and asking for a time and place.

Something told him he'd regret this, but another part of him felt as though it was never a question of if he'd agree or not, like this was fate something he could not control.

Something called to him, drawing him in, and this message was only the start.

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