A Royal Request

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I walked to the very center of the floor, about 20 yards away from the two thrones. All while studying the thrones and the people on it.

Queen Asher, a very beautiful woman even in her age. Sat on a throne of silver, encrusted with garnets, rubies, sapphires, and other jewels from across the land. The throne sat maybe 2.5 meters tall overlooking all mortal men and women

Now for whom I'd be speaking to. The King of Aradal, Gherald II. His throne was made of a mix of obsidian, gold, and human bones. It was encrusted with diamonds from top to bottom, to the point where it looked as if itprojected light rather than reflect it. A towering height of 3 meters made the throne almost as intimidating as the man who sat on it.

I didn't dare meet his eyes, Gherald the Unbreakable. By no means is he a bad or cruel leader. He's one of the best in history. He's fair, he's wise, he's strong, and he knows how to appease the people.

However, any insult that is said to him will be punished. And the punishment is based on whatever mood he happens to be in that day

He certainly is one of the most frightening individuals you could ever meet. His eyes are said to be a tough, steely shade of gray. He stands at around 2 meters tall, built like a strong ox, and has around 100 kills to his name. He's led countless raids against the barbaric tribes scattered across Aradal and every single time he comes back with the heads of all those he's killed. His skin is tough as his very own armor, some say he's never seen his own blood before

Hence his repuatation, The Unbreakable.

I kneeled before the royalty and bowed my head, saying a quick prayer in my head for my own safety.

"You are Alexander Blackthorn, the new private?" The King asked in a firm, yet polite voice.

"Yes, your highness." I said with careful consideration

"I've heard many great things about you, your mentors say you're a natural swordsman. I've heard from my advisors you are rather scholarly as well. Is all of this true?" He asked, I could almost feel him leaning over in his throne.

I felt my pride swelling up within me, knowing you're one thing and another is great, but having a King who has won wars and battles acknowledge those things as well is something entirely else

"With so humble respect, yes it is true your highness." I made my tone low and calm, trying not to provoke any action.

"Then you may just be the right man for a job. I need a young, ambitious warrior who is skilled enough to lead and assemble a team to go into a far off land to solve an issue for me. Are you up for this task?" The King said

A team? Does he mean like a regiment of soldiers? Or a platoon of mercenaries? Or does he really just mean a team of whoever I see fit? Even if any one of those cases were correct, I have no idea who I'd ever be close to consider for the job.

"With all due respect your highness, I feel as though I need more details about the operation before I can make a rational decision." I said respectively

"I see your reasoning and see you're a wise man Alexander, however I cannot grant you any further information until I know for certain you will stick to the task. You must make a decision based off of the summary I have given. I'll give you until dusk to think about it, come back here at sunset with your answer." The King declared

I nodded, "Thank you, your highness."

I stood back up straight, give a deep bow to the royalty, and began walking out.

"Wait, another before you go." The King spoke and I practically snapped the reins of my armor as I whipped around and bowed again

"I must warn you, a dangerous figure has been reported to be around the Taravellian lands. If you are to go on this mission, or even outside these walls for anything, be on your guard."

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