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"I don't regret it, so you can stop giving me that look." I said to Katerina as we were walking

"I know you don't regret it, which is exactly WHY I'm giving you this look." She said to me briskly

"Seconded." Nora said

We were walking towards the very front of the group about 10 paces ahead. With the wind pushing us forward, it was the only way we could talk without being heard

Everyone had already gotten organized and we had departed from the campsite about an hour ago. We had just started onto the path leading up to the plateau, which was notorious for crawling with bandits and other creatures. But it was the quickest route, and that's all I needed to be convinced.

I hadn't seen hide nor hair of Adrianna since then, despite Katerina constantly being on the lookout. She was either following her promise well, or she may have just turned tail and ran. But either is better than her trying to kill us

"I don't see why you're so worried, do you not trust my judgement? Even if she did run, she's not going to try and kill us anymore." I shrugged and put my hands up in the air

"Okay 1: You don't know that. She very well may track us down as she pleases and cut our throats in the night." Nora said sternly

I shook my head and waved her off. "I know it's hard to believe and put into words, but trust me if you were there you'd know she was being genuine."

Katerina shook her head annoyed, "No. You THINK she was being genuine. But you have no actual clue do you?"

I shrugged once more and said while laughing, "Not everyone is as easy to tell their pissed off as you and Nora are after all."

Katerina let out a disappointed sigh, "Yeah whatever."

Now Nora started to speak, "Now 2: I don't trust this particular decision. Normally you're wise and fair, but this decision you let your personal emotions and your pity influence it. That is not how these types of decisions should be made and you damn well know it."

I kicked at the yellowish, sand and dirt road in annoyance. Annoyance at the fact of how correct she was

"Yes, I do know thank you. But don't act like I didn't think it through. Have you fathomed what we could accomplish with someone like her as our ally?" I said

"I have certainly fathomed all of the dangers of it." Katerina said shortly

"I believe I made the right decision. And if it ends up with my throat being slit, then you can say 'I told you so' alright?" I said with a slight smirk

"Yeah sure whatever. If it ends up with your throat being slit I'll make sure I'M the one doing it." Nora said. "I'll make sure my last words to you are how stupid you are." She said

"See, issue settled." I said. Maybe if I can annoy them both enough they'll leave and get off my back

"Mhm, sure." They both said and started to fall behind my pace and join back with the rest of the group.

Ahh, peace and quiet. I thought

"Alexander my friend!" Ottoro's voice boomed

And of course that has to happen right as I say that

I turned around and greeted him as he ran up beside me. He was still wearing his brown tattered jacket and heavy sack on his back. Not to mention the ridiculous looking lion's head hat he had on.

"Man, I still can't get over how awesome that fight was I mean seriously man right at the last second you turned the tables and got her." He said excitedly

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