Make my heart prt2

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Me and Towanda were on our way to the store, she kept on pressuring me, and I felt it coming, I wanted to throw up I was getting so dizzy, he questions were to much for me to handle, I just couldn't take it anymore

Toni: *yells at Towanda* SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! *faints*

Towanda: Oh my God!! *catches her* Toni!!! Toni!!! *starts shaking her* Toni Braxton!!! Toniiiii!!! Wake up!!! *looks up and around* Someone please help!!! Someone, anyone!!! Help me!!!

•51minutes later•

My heart started hurting, I felt a slight pain, I felt like I was about to lose someone or something special, I grabbed my phone and just looked at Toni's name, she would always call me at this time, maybe something came up, or her parents probably took her cell


I opened my eyes and I was alone in some sort of room, I looked around and it looked like I was at a hospital, I lifted myself up and sat up straight

Doctor: I see you finally decided to wake up!

Toni: What happened to me doctor?

Doctor: You got stressed then you passed out

Toni: Am I ok?

Doctor: Yes! More then ok actually-

Toni: Where's Kenny?

Doctor: Who!!?

Toni: Where's my family?

Doctor: They're outside, we had to do a few checkups on you, like I was saying miss. Braxton you are expecting a baby

Toni: *terrified* No!!! Doctor no!!! Please tell me your kidding? I can't be pregnant!! I- no!!! What!!!!

Doctor: I am certain that you are pregnant! Now miss. Braxton seems to be that you are exactly 3weeks along with your pregnancy

Toni: *looks away in shock* You didn't tell my family did you?

Doctor: Not yet, but if you want me t-

Toni: No please don't!! Please!!

Doctor: Ok

I was so shocked I didn't know what to say, I was left speechless, I wasn't gonna tell anyone, but Kenny oh Kenny had to know! Wait what if Kenny hates me? What if he doesn't want the baby? I will not keep this baby! But I would never be able to go threw with am abortion oh my God!! What do I do now! Now my parents are gonna know I- am speechless!!!!

Evelyn: Hey babe! Are you ok?

Toni: *afraid* Am ok! *talks in a hurry*

Tamar: Toni I almost thought you were gonna die!!

Toni: Well am not! Don't you worry ok! Am just fine!

Towanda: That's a good thing! I thought you! Am sorry for putting you under pressure!

Toni: On the contract it wasn't your fault! Remind me to tell you something later on ok Wanda?

Towanda: Sure! *winks at Toni*

•Later that night•

I couldn't sleep, I kept on thinking about Toni! I missed her! Her voice! Her personality! How she would always have something smart to say to me! I missed my babe!!! Am just loosing it right now, I got in my car and drove off to Toni's house, I arrived there switched my cars engine off and got out, I went up and stood downstairs Toni's window

Kenny: Toni!! *yelling softly* Toni!! *picks up stone&throws it*


I was laying in Toni's bed, when I felt a chip on the window, I rose up and went to it, I opened the curtain a little and there was a guy standing down there and calling Toni's name, I opened the window and answered him

Kenny: Oops my bad! I could've sworn this was the right window!

Towanda: It is! You looking for Toni?

Kenny: Yeah!

Towanda: Why?

Kenny: I need to talk to her

Towanda: About what?

Kenny: What are you detective Goofy or something?

Towanda: No anger sister! Wait you look like that guy from the bowling club


Am surprised she even remembered

Kenny: And you look like that girl with the hot big sister

Towanda: Babyface!!!? *looks closely*

Kenny: Wow! You have good eye site! Anyways where's Toni?

Towanda: She's not here

Kenny: Then where is she?

Towanda: Hospital!! Now bye!! *closes window*

My heart rate immediately sped up, why is Toni in the hospital, I ran back to my car and got in it and drove off to the closest hospital I could find in Maryland


I closed the window and in came my Tamar

Tamar: What are you doing? *sits on bed*

Towanda: Closing the window, obviously! *walks to door*

Tamar: Oh! *puckers*

Towanda: Come on let's get going!

Tamar: I don't want to! I wanna stay in here! Since yall wouldn't allow me to stay with Toni over at the damn hospital, am gonna be sleeping in her bed

Towanda: Ok fine! *walks out*

I had no time to argue with Tamar, so I just left her there in peace, she took her teddy bear and crawled into Toni's bed, and just rolled herself into a ball, she would always sleep with Toni like that, but since Toni wasn't here she was all by herself, I went back to her and crawled in with her, she rolled over to me and cuddled herself into me, I put off the night lap and wrapped my arms around Tamar and just closed my Eyes to


I arrived at the hospital and went to the lady, and asked for Toni Braxton to my surprise she was there, I followed the lady to Toni' room, and when I got there Toni was asleep, I went closer and took her hand and placed it in between mines

Kenny: I don't know what happened my love! But I prayed the whole ride to here for you to be ok! And I will pray for you everyday!! I love you!! And I hope that your ok!!!!!

•6hours later•
^4:30 am^


I woke up and here next to me I saw Kenny, he was seated next to me on a chair holding my hand, with his head on the hospital bed, asleep, I immediately smiled when I saw him, I kept staring at him until he lifted his head up and looked at me

Kenny: *smiles* Morning gorgeous!

Toni: *smiling* Morning!

Kenny: *gets up and kisses her forehead, then sits back down* What happened to you? Why are you here?

Toni: Nothing serious! I just got stressed and then I passed out, that's about it!

Kenny: Well am happy that your ok! And that it was nothing serious.

Toni: Yeah *looks down* What time is it?

Kenny: *takes out phone and checks time* 4

Toni: Oh... Were you here the whole entire night

Kenny: Well since 11

Toni: *kisses him* I luh ya!

Kenny: I luh ya to! *both laugh*

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