Chapter 1: Nice to Meet You, Sama

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Italic - Texting //// Bold - Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


I stumble backwards, falling on my behind as the tall figure comes into my vision. I see a white, red eyed lady dressed in black approach me, making me attempt to back up from her.

 I see a white, red eyed lady dressed in black approach me, making me attempt to back up from her

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The smile on her face wasn't a friendly one. It was one that screamed danger and run away, yet my body freezes as she towers over me, reaching a long clawed hand out for me to take.

 It was one that screamed danger and run away, yet my body freezes as she towers over me, reaching a long clawed hand out for me to take

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"Here, I mean you no harm mortal. But you have seemed to revive me, so I'm forever in your debt."

The most elegant sounding voice ever reassures me, her hand still out for me to grab onto. I swallow my fear down. "What do you mean 'revive' you? And why did the paper make you appear?"

She only smiles more at me, making me even more fearful for my life. "If you let me help you up, I'll exp!ain what I mean at your home."

I laugh nervously. "No hecking way am I letting you into my home, all willy nilly like that. First off, I don't know who you are, or what you are capable of."

Her mocking laugh is heard, leaving chills all over my body. My eyes widen out of being terrified. She looks back down at me.

"You have no choice, after all, what kind of a human dares to disrespect a witch?" 

I gulp, smiling nervously. "A witch?"


I had no other choice but to lead her to my house. I really didn't want to die. Apparently her name was Kintoru, but she also went by Sama, and she had died after losing to a teenager with a blade in hand, sent by his great grandfather to kill her for once and for all.

I knew it was impossible to kill an immortal demon witch, but still she seemed angry about being slain to death by a mere human.

She had been dead for over a decade, and even though she wasn't the most favorite thing in this world, I kind of understood how she felt. She had been defeated by a singular person, on a journey to find their missing friends.

'And why did I have to pick that paper up? I have a already eventful life, I don't need more stress in life...'

Sama had apparently read my mind, speaking in a soft spoken voice. "Well you did, now stop being annoying about it. Your thoughts are easy to read..."

I smile nervously for a bit, unlocking my rented home, letting the witch inside. She looks around, probably never seeing an actual house before. And God, did she look silly in such a small house.

She seemingly shrunk to fit inside, watching as I close the door, locking it again.

"Not letting any weirdos in. I can't with burglars, dude. They act like they own everything."

I sigh as I read a note from Emily, who I had rented from.  "Of course she's out of town. Now who am I paying money to? I mean I did rent this place, that really needs care alot."

Sama seemed curious as I get my human stuff done. She sits awkwardly on my couch, humming as I get food out to cook.

"Ugh, I hate cooking. This is why I can't have nice things. I might burn the house down. And next thing you know, I'm homeless. Again..."

I look at her, not knowing where she was going to sleep at. I sigh and ask. "Do you sleep? Because of yes, I only have one room..."

She hums and answers. "I might need to now. I feel... Tired. But why can't we share? Unless you don't trust me?"

I sigh. "Cause that'll be weird. That's a thing that couples do, and we're not one. I'll sleep on the couch, I just might need a blanket though. Cold nights aren't my favorite, I hate them."

I lead the witch to my bedroom, awkwardly standing in the doorway as she looks around. Spotting a picture of my once happy family, picking it up and looking at it in interest.

She looked interested in it.

I explain, "That's my family. We tore apart. Never been the same since then. They always weren't the best to me. My dad mainly..."

I sigh sadly, knowing it was never going to stay the same for the rest of time. But it was over too fast, and now I'm hurting inside, alone.

I look back once more. "Night, I guess. I'm going to sleep now. I'm tired as hell..." Closing the door, I walk and find a blanket to sleep with, tucking myself in on the couch, making a pillow out of my hand.

I yawn and reach over to turn the light off, knocking out soon, and forget about my new roommate in the bedroom.


(Sama's POV)

I watch as my dearest leaves the 'bedroom', upset about the photo frame in my claws. It seemed that she had an awful family, reminding me of Hiachi.

'Except her father obviously hurt her. I wonder what happened?'

Snores were coming from the human, and I get up, and exit the room, going down the stairs, seeing a sleeping girl on the couch, moving around, like she was having a nightmare.

I then heard it. 

"Please! Don't hurt me, I'm sorry for being home late! Please don't hurt my friends too!"

I feel... Almost protective of the small human, and I step over to her, putting a hand on her forehead, clearing her of any bad dreams for the night.

"Don't worry my dear, no bad dreams or nightmares will get to you, now that I'm here. I'll keep you safe..."

She then relaxed her face, letting the stress go away. Knowing that trauma was definitely a part of the trust issues.

I also hum to her, making her cling onto herself.

'And I thought Hiachi was broken, but here a human, a mere mortal makes me feel... Happy to be around. At least there's no more distress from her...'

I return to the bedroom, humming a tune as I stare out the window, still wondering where the human that killed me before is now, but that doesn't matter as I fall asleep, still tired from my revival.

And it's all because of the human that I now live with...



I watch in horror as my so called father holds my friend at his mercy. "Please! Don't hurt my friends too! I'm sorry for not listening to you!"

I feel a cold hand on my physical body's forehead, and hear that familiar, but unknown soft voice call out to me, telling me that I was okay.

I feel tingling all over, as my nightmare fades to a blank mindspace, feeling myself untense as the unknown source of the voice hums to me, making me feel myself cling onto my own arm.

(Dream Over)

I subconsciously smile as the voice leaves my mind, making me feel... Safe again.

However I didn't know was that Sama made me feel calm once more, or that she was thinking about me either, at the time.

Mimic Me, I'm Yours (An OC x Sama/Kintoru Story)Where stories live. Discover now