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Day 1, In the morning, before my first meeting.

My name is Pitwork and this is my first day in the elemental legion order, I am a staff magician, I am quite nervous, my family has belonged in the order for many years, getting relatively far, so I have to be the one to beat all records.

Day 1, In the afternoon, after my first meeting.

I already introduced myself to my new team, they are a bit... peculiar, to begin with there is a man that makes me a bit afraid, I don't know how to explain it, but his presence makes me uncomfortable, although when he introduced himself smiling, sitting on the chair with the name Fedwui, he didn't show any kind of aggressive intention or representation, maybe it's just something of mine. Then it was Crixus' turn, after all he proved to be the most normal of the foursome, a quiet man, though with a determined vision, I hope to be his ally the moment he shows his true self. The next one was Serana, who without asking him before introduced herself as someone correct, somewhat impressionable and very sensitive, who prefers to study rather than work and finally that her elemental magic was ice, nice girl, finally, a man with all his face bandaged, despite his appearance I did not feel such a disturbance in the environment as with Fedwui, although the peculiarity of this new companion did not end there, when I asked him who he was a silence accompanied by a cough in the background occupied the entire room, no matter how hard I tried, there was no case, he did not throw a single word. Luckily in the silence entered our sergeant Shun, the meeting was quite easy and quick, in short, before having an accreditation of the order, we need to go through a test, he gave us a map with a marked path, which showed a cave, a road that separated into two and finally a place called "The Temple of the Fallen", because I must admit that they are very clever with the names. Finally, he told us that the path would take us about twenty-four hours, so we should be prepared, he gave us a magic parchment which consisted of a peach leaf that changed the letters based on the information we required for the mission. Once the meeting was over we agreed with the team to meet at the entrance of the town, to go to our respective objective. I took advantage of the rest of the afternoon to buy everything I needed, such as a rope, cloak, a backpack, life potion, torches, among other things, I am now ready for my new adventure.

Day 2, at night.

We got together in the morning, my four companions arrived before me, how to explain that my parents did not let me go until I finished the breakfast they had prepared for me, the good thing about it was that before leaving they gave me a gift, a plate and a spoon, at first I did not understand it, but when I sunk the spoon, it was filled with soup, my surprise was not small when I tasted it and felt the vegetable that was in that liquid, although a little saltier than natural, I sunk the spoon again, this time the taste was of chicken, I sank the spoon again, this time the flavor was chicken, I observed my father, he raised his right hand with a gesture, creating a circle with his thumb and forefinger and the other fingers extending it pointing upwards, he gave me to understand that he had nothing more to say about it than thanks.

Returning to my companions, we did not say much more, the mute man (although to stop calling him that for reasons of laziness, I will name him from now on (...)) showed the map, we all saw it and agreed on the path we had to follow, to immediately set off. Our start was to go through a somewhat loose dirt road, with each footstep dust filled our surroundings, in sight, hills of weeds with a yellowish color. Entering our first crusade, where the road became a bit steep, we arrived at the entrance of a cave. We contemplated it for a while and discussed how to proceed, the final decision was to light one of my torches and go in. Although it was dark, our eyes adapted quickly, luckily and thanks to Fedwui's vision, we could notice some glances at the back of the cave, we approached cautiously, as the light of the torch peeked, his eyes became brighter and more penetrating, from the shadows two wolves approached us showing their teeth, I really don't know how it happened, it was very fast, Crixus with his spear pierced the head of one of the wolves, while (...) with his two swords, he pierced the head of one of the wolves with his spear, while (...) with his two swords he pierced the head of one of the wolves. ..) with his two swords cut the head of the other one, they didn't give Serana, Fedwui and me time to react, it was as if we had simply blinked, in the distance another noise, all in defense position, from the darkness a little wolf emerged, who without paying attention to us, lay down on the body of one of the wolves, I suspect it was his mother. Although this act moved us, the most affected was Serana, who upon seeing this, apologized and left crying from the cave where she had entered and Crixus, who approached the wolf with teary eyes, once beside the wolf, caressed it and took it out of that place, I could not hear very well, but I am sure he said "I will take care of you". There was not much more in the cave, while (...) as Fedwui removed the fangs from the bodies of the wolves to be able to sell them in the guild of beast hunters, we retired to the exit that was at the other end of the cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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