chapter 15

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At the party

“Hey Sakura you look great ” Naruto said beaming “let's go dance eh?”

“um ..sure why not ” Sakura said smiling

“hn, can't believe you want to dance with that dope ”

Naruto ears flared “what the hell is your problem!? Huh If she wanna dance with me  then how does that—! . A cheeky smile appeared on his face “wait.. don't tell me you're jealous ?”
Sasuke did a double take “what,  why would you think that!?”
Naruto rolled his eyes and scoffed “oh..I don't know maybe the FACT THAT YOU DON'T WANT HER TO DANCE —”
“Guys quit it, you're making a scene and Sasuke..”  At this point Sakura and inner Sakura were squealing . Did Sasuke really —

“Don't get anything into that head of yours ugh you're so annoying ” Sasuke scoffed and trudged away with his hands in his pockets .
Sakura felt like a mountain of bricks had fallen on her and inner was fuming about ripping his hair out but she blocked it out .
“ugh what a killjoy , don't worry Sakura , I don't think you're  annoying in fact you're fun! now do you still wanna dance with me ?” Naruto asked innocently

Sakura smiled genuinely and grabbed his hand “yeah let's go Naruto ! ”.
Unbeknownst a pair of coal black eyes stared at them “losers” and drunk some punch .


“guy sensei, you lost so much money ”
“lee I know , damn you Kakashi!. ” Gai said with fire in his  eyes .
”Calm down Gai ; I tried to warn you , you know how bad you are with bets ” Kakashi said “ Considering the  challenges in our rivalry as you like to call it ” he muttered

  “ Poor Gai sensei ” Tenten said
“He brought this on himself , no need to be sorry for him” Neji  scoffed
Gai's eyes twitched , a dark cloud above his head “ You're right Neji ....I should have known , to redeem myself I'll bet all the money I brought here!”
Kakashi, Neji, Tenten 's eyes bulged from their sockets

'how about we go dance as a challenge?' Kakashi asked and cringed inside. He doesn't dance

"Sure ...Kaka...shi" Gai mumbled as he was dragged away from his students.

'wanna dance Neji?'

'No' He replied and walked off.


'hello child..' a voice said

' who are you?'

" I've seen you train, you're good and I would like—"

" I don't care , get lost" the kid said and walked off " and don't stalk me you creep . Get a job"

“I've seen your pain —”

“ And I'll see you in jail”  the kid said and looked back the mysterious figure was gone

“Start the preparation"

“Hinata..go on ask him’ Ino said as she nudged her shoulder . ' It will be fine . I know he's dancing with Sakura Right now but you can see how tired she is and she doesn't want to make him sad ”
Hinata turned to see a tired sluggish Sakura and a hyper Naruto still dancing .

”what if he says no... and it's rude to interrupt them like that . I'll give it some time ”

“you said that 3 times already. There is only that much limited time you have right now and it's running out . Now go” Ino said with determination ”before the slow music comes up” she whispered quietly

”what was—”

“GO —”



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