Chapter 33 - Hearing Aid

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3rd Person

(Next day)

Will had just got back from being out with Joyce and he was sat in the car with her outside of the cabin, his new hearing aid in his ear.

"What if they laugh at me.." Will whispered, turning to his mum.

"Will, when have they ever laughed at you." Joyce tried.

"Well.." Will cringed, remembering last summer.

"They did once-"

"Well forget about that! They would never make fun of you for having a hearing aid, and if they do I will kill them." She warned, and Will giggled slightly.

"Okay." He gave in.

Theh both got out of the car and walked into the empty house, liking the peace.

Hopper was showing people that he was in fact not dead and he was trying to get his job back, Jonathan and Nancy were out on a date, and El was in the hospital with Max helping her heal, the same thing she did with Will.

"I'm gonna have a small nap." Will told Joyce, who smiled.

"That's fine, I love you." She replied.

"I love you too!" Will grinned, happy to hear everything again.

He skipped off to his bedroom, taking out his hearing aid.

He set it down gently on his bedside table, before climbing into bed.

He shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep for god knows how long.

(Around two hours later)

"Will." Joyce whispered, shaking her son.

Will made a muffled sound before turning around, and Joyce groaned.

"Will get up!" She spoke a little bit louder.

"I'm not gonna be late.." Will mumbled, still sleeping.

Joyce sighed and walked out of the room and went over to Mike.

"Could you try and get him up?" She asked him, and he chuckled.

"Sure." He got up and walked into Will's room.

He sat down at the end of Will's bed and connected one of his hands with Will's, using the other to gently shake the boy.

"Will, wake up." Mike whispered, and Will slightly opened his eyes.

"G'morning.." Will mumbled, his hand reaching out for his bedside table.

"Will what are you reaching for?" Mike's voice was laced with confusion.

Will got his hearing aid and placed it in his ear, and he turned back to Mike.

"You can speak now." Will grinned, sitting up.

"You got it?" Mike gasped, smiling.

"Yeah! I can hear you now!" Will gave Mike a massive hug, and Mike laughed.

"I'm glad!" He wrapped his arms around Will, squeezing the boy.

"Mike you're squeezing me!" Will giggled, and Mike let go of him.

"Wow you're so ticklish.." Mike had a cheeky grin on his face.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now