Chapter 1:

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So you are probably wondering who I am and what I am doing here. Well you are just going to have to sit back and wait to see what happens. My story isn't what you may expect. It's not one of those sappy stories about my true love always being in my life or that everything turns out okay. Because it's not over yet. This is my life and I am still living it, but I guess where I have gotten so far is something to talk about. I'm not a 'normal' teenager. But I know what you are thinking, of he must have powers then? Or he's not human in some way. But again you are wrong.

Well I should ready start by introducing myself. Hello I am Brendan, and I am a 19 year old boy living in a place I can't even call home. This place feels normal enough but I can tell you that it doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel real. When I was little I lived with my Mother and little brother, I had a home then. I felt safe and happy. It's nothing like that here. It's cold and feels empty. Full of people, or what I like to call them, drones. These 'people' are blank. They have no real thoughts. They are just completely empty. Even my family are empty. I'm stuck in this place and I need to find a way out, before I become one of them. There must be a way out. Because I must of got here somewhere.

I haven't seen my Mother or Brother since the accident, I was transferred to this foster family when I was 13 years old. My mother and younger brother were on their way home when a loaded tanker crashed into the passenger's door of my mum's car, killing my brother. As for my mother... She now has brain damage and became 'unfit' to continue caring for me. I no longer have contact with her or anyone from my old family.

Just before I was transferred a tall man in a long black coat took me to this doctor and made me do all kinds of different tests. I remember when it was all over the doctor walked over to the tall man and nodded his head. Once that signal was giving more men came running in with packed bags and grabbed me. I was put into a small black car with dark windows, I couldn't see the outside. Once I was sat in the back two big men sat on either side of me. They couldn't speak English as far as I knew. I felt trapped, I had no idea what was going on.

The car ride felt like a lifetime, but when we finally stopped the big door quickly swung open. Standing there was a fancy looking man wearing a white and red suit. "Out you get, sir" He said in a slow voice. The man next to me slid out of the doors and I followed. Once out of the black machine I was taken by the arm and escorted through a huge garden. But this was not a normal garden. All the plants and flowers were brown and dead, shriveled up on the flower beds. The place smelt terrible and I saw no sign of life. The place was surrounded by tall dark trees. They had no leaves and just left a sharp jagged edge. Two more men appeared from behind a wall and started to follow the line. They had another boy with them. He looked around my age and he looked really scared, like he knew what this place was. I was terrified but I kept my emotions to myself, I didn't want these people to know that I was scared of them. It could end badly. I need to just stand my ground, don't become weak. I looked at the horrified boy one more time. It looked like he had given up, I had a look at his wrist as the men were pulling him. There was a marking. Some kind of triangle scare.

Closer we became to your destination. A big stone building that had guards roaming the area and watchmen on the roof. It started to look like we weren't going to leave anytime soon. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I closed my eyes for a second. As I was doing this I was forcefully pushed into a big concrete cell. It was cold and damp, soon after the boy from behind me was pushed in also. I ran to him as they locked the cell door to see if he was okay. He had no emotion and was very cold. I pulled off my jacket and quickly wrapped it around him in an attempt to warm him up again. I patted his face and tried calling to him. No answer. I became worried and started yelling out to the men standing outside our cell, they just glared at me and turned back around. I could tell that they wouldn't be of any help to me. I ran back over to the boy and tried to talk to him again. I sat there for what I think was an hour just trying to get a response. Just before I was about to give up I heard something. A little pep. He was alive, he opened his eyes and tried to sit up. When he finally saw me he was terrified. I tried to calm him down and try to explain to him that I didn't know what was going on either. He widened his eyes and just stared directly at me for about a minute. He then quickly pulled me down to his level and whispered into my ear. "Their coming for us, you need to get out of here!" He said softly into my ear, then letting go of me and falling to the ground with a thump.

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