The Redhead's Arrival

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Lloyd had taken stock of Kai's mood. He seemed a bit gloomy off late, and he needed something, or someone who could cheer him up.

Lloyd's phone dinged at lunchtime, and he checked the message: I'm ringing it rn.

"Kai, get the door!" Lloyd said. Kai rushed forwards, Skylor suddenly bursted in.

"Wait, what? Skylor?!" He gasped, smiling, awed.

"I called her!" Said Lloyd.

"You had her number?!" Kai looked confused.

Kai stood there awkwardly, blushing and smirking oddly. Skylor flung her arms around him and he turned tomato red.

He controlled the blush when Skylor pulled away and gave her a weird handshake. He felt all the eyes on him.

Skylor shook Kai's hand, laughing, and pulled in a suitcase from outside.

The others stood up and made their way to the door. Skylor hugged Nya and Lloyd as well. They were her best friends, after all, and she gave Cole and Jay a handshake each.

"She'll be staying for a while," said Lloyd. "And Kai, she's going to have to share your room, because we're fully out of rooms here."

Kai smiled, and turned a bit red, but nodded in approval.

"Come on, then," said Lloyd. "We'll have some lunch first."

"I could have cooked if you'd asked me to come earlier," said Skylor. "You didn't have to do all this for me."

"Nah, Jay's teaching me how to cook," said Lloyd. "And since you're in our home now, you get a chance to cook every week too. Seven days. Seven of us."

"I'm Sunday, then." Skylor smiled. "My favorite day."

Lloyd glanced at Kai, he looked as if his face was bursting of emotion; Skylor sat next to him and he gulped.

Lloyd thought he saw a few tears forming in Kai's eyes and his face showed a tinge of red.

Kai ate less, and he ate noticeably fast.

"You okay, Kai?" Cole asked.

"I feel a bit sick," said Kai. "I haven't been feeling well all today. I'm gonna go to my room and rest."

He stood up and walked quickly down the hallway. Lloyd shoved the last bite of food down his throat and rushed after him.


Kai whipped around, "Lloyd?"

"Kai, are you okay? I know you're not sick." Lloyd said.

Kai gulped, tears formed again. He led Lloyd into his room.

"I...Well...It was nice that you invited Skylor, but...she doesn't like me." Kai sighed. His voice was shaky and he gripped Lloyd's shoulders.

"She just sees me as a friend. I know it. I'm too shy to do anything about it."

"But you're not shy, Kai, you're the most confident person I know!" Lloyd argued.

A year rolled down Kai's cheek. "But she just sees me as a friend. I know it." He repeated. "Do you know how it feels to love someone and have them not love you back? Do you know?" He sobbed.

"Of course I know," said Lloyd. His voice suddenly became shaky. "Harumi betrayed me. And she's dead. You have way better fortune than me." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, Lloyd," said Kai. "I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay." Said Lloyd. "I'm okay. But Kai, don't be upset. At least Skylor sees you as a friend; Harumi always saw me as a murderer. And I was." Lloyd sighed again. "You'll be okay, Kai." And he left the room.

Kai wiped his eyes and crawled into bed. He was really tired over the past few days, he still had not gotten over the Crystal Army thing.

"Kai! Kai!"

Kai's eyes fluttered open, he'd fallen asleep. Skylor was standing above his bed.

"Skylor!" He gasped, sitting up and fixing his hair. "How long have I been asleep for?"

"Four hours," said Skylor. "Come on. I came to wake you up, we're having a movie night, apparently."

Kai shot out of bed. "Give me a moment to fix my hair," he said. Skylor nodded and went outside the room.

Kai saw a slight smirk on her face...His heart thumped...She was so pretty...

He stood in front of the mirror and combed his hair carefully. He flattened all the baby hairs with gel and then did his spike up hairstyle. He wore some better clothes and then found everyone in the living room.

"We're watching Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part One," said Lloyd. "We all voted on a Harry Potter movie." He smiled. "Time to run away from Death Eaters."

The movie night was quite fun. Nya and Jay were snuggled close together, Lloyd and Cole, the single pringles, we're sharing a bowl of popcorn, and Kai had the creeping urge to lie on Skylor's shoulder.

During the Malfoy Manor scene, everyone tensed up.

Lloyd gulped and scooted closer to Cole before it started. Cole gladly hugged him, he was also scared of the scene. Bellatrix had started to question Hermione.

Hermione's first scream made them all fly into the air. Nya cuddled Jay, who covered her ears for her.

Skylor had huddled into a ball, she, like Nya, had begun to sob.

Kai let go of all his insecurities in that moment and scooted over to her. Skylor saw Kai and immediately leaned into his shoulder; Kai soothed Skylor by patting her head and hugging her; She was calm by the time the scene was done.

Nya and Skylor were both gasping and shaking by the time the scene was done.

But then Dobby's death was right after that, and they both were super sad again. Kai comforted Skylor all throughout the movie.

In the end, the girls were gloomy, and everyone else was not yet sleepy, so Cole ordered dinner out and they watched the second part.

The second part's ending was sad too, with the thought of all the deaths and all, but they were significantly happier due to the happiness of it.

But what mattered most to Kai was that Skylor had found comfort in him.

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