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As the solar disc ascended, casting its radiant beams upon the landscape, Ophelia and Harry embarked on their respective journeys, their diurnal endeavors a testament to their burgeoning responsibilities. The morning's repast, a sumptuous affair, had barely concluded when they parted ways, their destinations divergent yet equally crucial.

Ophelia's sojourn at Gringotts, the venerable goblin institution, was precipitated by her meeting with the enigmatic creatures, their discussion centered on the intricacies of magical finance and the nascent Potter dynasty's economic machinations.

As the day unfolded, the siblings' itineraries converged, their shared objective the acquisition of scholastic necessities. In the company of the Malfoys, they navigated the winding thoroughfares of Diagon Alley, their destination the venerable purveyors of magical attire.

Within the confines of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Ophelia's slender yet subtly curvaceous figure was draped in an array of garments, her measurements a testament to her burgeoning femininity. "36 inches at the bust and hip, and 24 inches at the waist," Mrs. Anderson, the seamstress, remarked, her eyes widening in admiration. "A slight, yet lovely hourglass figure, quite rare in one so young." Narcissa's countenance, a mask of icy reserve, betrayed a hint of displeasure at the seamstress's impertinence.

Then, they proceeded to the wand selection, a ritual of paramount importance in the wizarding world. Lucius's deliberate avoidance of Ollivanders, the esteemed wand makers, was predicated on his mistrust of Dumbledore's alleged surveillance of the phoenix-core wands.

Their arrival in Knockturn Alley, a locale redolent with an aura of mystique and intrigue, heralded their entrance into a wand shop of unassuming aspect, its interior a testament to the art of wand craft. The proprietor, a man of discerning taste and refinement, greeted Lucius with a deferential smile, his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity at the presence of the three juveniles.

"I observe," the wand maker declared. "Now, I desire your magical energies to select your wood and core." Ophelia raised her hand, her countenance inquisitive. "May I suggest an unconventional addition?" "A familiar, I presume?" "No, it is actually a drop of my own blood." The wand maker's eyes widened in astonishment. "Wha- yes, yes, absolutely!" Lucius interjected, "An oath is a requisite." The wand maker swore an affidavit, vowing not to utilize the blood for any purpose other than crafting the wand. Ophelia presented him with a vial containing her rare, silver-white blood, a phenomenon he had never encountered.

Ultimately, Ophelia's magical energies chose the woods Holly and Weeping Willow, with a core comprising Thestral hair, basilisk venom, unicorn hair, white dragon heartstring, acromantula venom, white phoenix feather, and her own blood. Harry's magical energies selected Holly wood, with a core of basilisk venom, Thestral hair, black dragon heartstring, black phoenix feather, and his own blood. Draco's wand chose Hawthorn wood, with a unicorn hair core – no blood was incorporated into his wand.

After a brief interval, they received their wands, each one unique and attuned to its owner's magical signature.

Ophelia's eyes widened with delight as she beheld her wand, its wood adorned with an intricate Sakura pattern, reminiscent of the majestic cherry blossom. The craftsmanship was exceptional, and she felt an inexplicable affinity for the instrument.

Following the wand selection, the group proceeded to a renowned culinary establishment, "Le Coeur de la Vie," a haute cuisine restaurant celebrated for its exquisite gastronomy and refined ambiance. Upon entering, they were greeted by the maître d', who escorted them to their table amidst the elegant décor.

As they perused the menu, Ophelia's gaze lingered on the "Tournedos Rossini," a dish featuring tenderloin steak, seared foie gras, and truffles, all harmoniously balanced on a bed of sautéed spinach. Harry opted for the "Sole Meunière," a delicate sole fillet, expertly prepared with a zesty lemon-caper sauce. Draco, ever the connoisseur, chose the "Côte de Boeuf," a dry-aged ribeye, served with a rich Demi-Glace and truffled pommes anna.

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