Chapter 2

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I was awoken the next morning by the blare of my alarm. My eyes stung as I forced myself to keep them open.

I forced myself up from my sheets and shivered at the morning air. While I loved fall, I didn't like the cold mornings. Well, I did, just not straight out of bed.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then took a quick shower. When I got out of the shower, I looked at my phone. It was 5:19am. I stepped out and dried off, then wrapped the towl around my waist.

I stepped out into the dining area and took a right into my bedroom. The house was cozy, small, and easy to manage. I like the idea of having less to clean and to do, leaving more time for me to relax than doing house chores.

I got dressed in a simple button-up shirt and black dress pants with a nice silver chain belt. I then popped on my glasses and slid on a pair of dress shoes. Should be proper for my new job.

I walked into the kitchen and began to make breakfast. Simple scrambled eggs with ketchup so the kids can wake up ready. The clock now read 6:00am. It's time to wake up the boy and the gremlin. I walked over to the corner of the kitchen, where their bedroom doors sat right next to one another. I then flung them open and turned on the lights. "Morning!" I said with a cheerful, upbeat tune, trying to seem positive.

Christopher got up in no time, while Ruby, she groaned and failed her body like an upset child would. I walked into her room and picked her up from the floor, as we have yet to get her a proper bed. "No fussing now, you need to be ready for school." I say in a calm, sweet tone as to entice her from her fit.

She doesn't calm down, so I just sigh and stand up. "I guess you'll just have to miss breakfast then..." She stopped and looked at me, smelling the air. She then shot up from her covers and went straight to the kitchen table.

We rarely ate food that wasn't laced with vegetables or fruit, so when she smelled just the eggs and ketchup, she seemed egar to be awake. Christopher was already scarfing down his plate, and now his little sister followed suit. I myself walked over to the kettle and poured myself a cup of tea. Then, put in six cubes of sugar. I had a sweet tooth I can't deny, but I need to keep my figure.

I looked down at my phone. 6:13am. I needed Ruby to get a bath, and Christopher needed a shower. I went over and tapped him on the shoulder. He nodded and got up, putting his plate in the sink, and walked to the bathroom. I started working on the dishes. I heard the faucet turn through the walls, and then I heard the shower sputter to life. I finished his plate, and then Ruby reached up and placed hers on the counter next to me. I quickly washed it, then dried them, I then looked at my phone. 6:30am.

I walked over to knock on the bathroom door, but it opened. "Get dressed. We have to leave soon." He chuckled. "You mean, you have to leave soon?" He stated plainly. "You have to be there before us."

I sighed. "Fine, then take the bus." I went back to the kitchen to see Ruby missing. I peaked in her room to see her looking for clothes. She seemed to decide on a plain white shirt and some jeans, with her white sneakers with the lights on them. "You need a jacket, young lady." I stated softly as I leaned on the door frame. She sighed and looked in her boxes, pulling out a jacket. The jacket had a moon stitched into the back of its denim and a small sleeping wolf cub in the moons crescent. Though the design would be covered by her hair unless I braid it.

"Let's get a quick bath first, okay?" I ask. Luckily, she wasn't difficult this morning and just walked to the bathroom. She closed the door, then ran the faucet.

After a few minutes, she came out wearing her new outfit. She looked absolutely adorable. I looked back at my phone. 6:53am. I looked at Christopher. "Are you sure you don't want a ride?" I asked him as I grabbed my bag. He shook his head. "Nah, I'll be fine." I nodded and waited for Ruby to follow me. Soon, she emerged from her room with her lilac backpack.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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