Fever (i)

385 13 1

Character's - Shivaay x Annika
Location - chawl x hospital

The preparation of Shitia's wedding was on full swing in OM
In morning
In om
No one was at home as Pinky, Jhanvi were with Dadi at Malhotra's party, Shivaay at office with his girlfriend Khanna and Tej with his mistress Swetlana went to C.M , Om was busy with his paint brush at Art gallery while Rudra with his part time work - his girlfriends in college.

Annika had taken a holiday from the dadi over the phone as she was not feeling well from morning.When dadi offered a hand to help she denied her request politely and dadi asked her to visit hospital 🏥 once." Ji dadi" response come from other sideof the phone.

Shivaay was feeling restless from the morning and was not able to concentrate on his work so he decided to drove to OM as there was no an important meeting left and asked Mishra to clear up his schedule.

He decided drive the car himself.

To the way OM, unknowingly he turned his car toward chawl where Annika lived and when he realised he was standing in front of her house.
When he decided to go back his car,he take a look of her house and decided to visit a house with an excuse to see her.
He knocked on the door two or three times , his restless increased ten times.So he moves backward at some distance and while running he dashed into door Thud ....! and open it with help of his shoulders.

After getting in he noticed no on in the hall
Note - sahil is at school campus
So he hurriedly entered in one room and the scene in front of him left him shaken to the core -
Annika was lying on the bed with half open house and her faces turned into like ashes.
Shivaay rushed toward Annika while removing hairs from her face his hand touched her forehead let him realised increasing temperature of body - symptoms of fever.Without wasting any second he picked her up in bridal style rushed to his car, settled himself on backside and ordered Khanna to drive fast towards hospital.

In car
"Annika, you could inform anyone of us your condition,if not me then omru or you could have visit hospital yourself. Why didn't you?" asked shivaay with concerned looks.
"I ...... am ..... fine ..billu..." Annika replied in low in-audible voice only to be interrupted by Shivaay
" Seriously, are you fine? You could hardly speak and could barely open your eyes so you thought I will buy your ' I am fine' words. You are such a stubborn and silly girl I have ever met"
Continued further
"If not you then I am sick here , right" replied Shivaay in sarcasm.

Khanna was also amused by his boss act and surprised to see concern for the girls with whom his boss could barely stand for not 2 mins

Annika wanted to argue further but unable so she kept quiet , but what surprised her Baagadbilla's concern.
Further the whole car ride was silent till the hospital and Annika kept staring him at look - ' Mr. Baagadbilla ko Aaj ho kya hai'.

At hospital
As soon as they arrived at hospital entrance Shivaay picked Annika and rushed in shouting for Doctor.
The hospital staff on seeing tensed Shivaay, one of the staff went to call for doctor from his cabin

********* Ignore grammatical mistakes.

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