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As soon as doctor came out, he immediately admitted Annika in a private ward and let others wait outside. Doctor done all test including blood samples, etc.

Sensing the seriousness of the situation Khanna called omru.

After 1½ hour but for Shivaay 1 min= 1 year
When the doctor came out from Annika's ward Shivaay immediately rushed towards doctor and bombered with one million questions.

Everytime doctor wanted to open his mouth get immediately closed only to be interrupted by Shivaay.

At last out of frustration, doctor shouted "Shut up!" only to be met by complete silence and terrified  Baagadbilla. All eyes  of the staff walking in the corridor turned at doctor with confused looks.

Then, entered our and only omru with tensed look , which turned into confuse at the scene - confused people staring at doctor who was frustrated.

After one or two min, doctor calmed himself down and ignoring the looks of people staring at him, prepared himself to continue-

Doctor open his mouth to speak, before doctor could speak ,Rudra interrupted," Dr. Annika didi ko hua kya hai" only to be get unexpected reaction - Khanna was ready to hit his head on wall while other people hit their heads. Rudra was clueless but om understood the situation and smaked rudra's head.
Om replied," let doctor speak first".
Rudra was all set to argue but before that doctor interrupted.

Dr. signed heavily and started to speak in one breath( so none can interrupt him again), "  patient is all right,has only normal fever due to tiredness,no need to worry .With proper diet and medicine patient will be fine and you can take her home.You can perform discharge facilities."

All signed in replied "Thank you Dr."

Doctor muttered himself" and I thank God and pray him to never let anyone fall sick in their family otherwise God knows what will happen to we doctors"

Then they all went home.


†*****†******The end†****†******

******* Ignore grammatical mistakes

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