I'm alone and really have no friends

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1. Become comfortable being alone. And I mean REALLY comfortable. Figure out ways you can spend time with yourself. Maybe you want to learn how to skateboard, learn a new language, or wish to learn how to play a new instrument- All these things are possible to learn by ourselves.

2. Begin to be extroverted. Talk to people, compliment outfits. It really doesn't matter what you talk about, some people really do like to be social. Maybe you're talking about how bad the cafe food is, or how Mr.Johnson gives way too much homework for your grade. Don't be afraid of people. No matter how many friends they have or how popular they have, they are still as human as you are.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3. Having genuine friends takes a long time to form. Don't be disappointed or discouraged because you aren't close with anyone. Every friendship had a beginning stage where they barely knew each other and then they grew into having a beautiful friendship.

Don't be afraid if your relationship doesn't start off as you wanted it to, change has a habit of happening at unpredictable times.

4. Wait for the right people to come into your life. Definitely don't take what you can get. Remember, not everyone they comes in your life is meant to be a friend, and not everyone coming in your life is meant to stay. Don't settle for someone you don't want to become close with.

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