Episode 2

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Luffy: What great weather!
Coby: If we keep going this way, we should see the Navy Island soon!
Luffy: Wow, coby! You're amazing! Are we actually gonna reach our destination?
Coby: But do courses! These are the bare minimum skills all sailors need!
Luffy laughing
This is no time to be laughing, Luffy-san. He's being held prisoner there. The famous pirate hunter... Roronoa Zoro! The man who's chopped counties like a bloodthirsty beat... People say he's a demon in human form!
Stella: That's what's wrong with people today they judge people before getting to know them. He can be a kind sweet person when you get to know him.
Luffy got off. We made it! The Navy base city!
They begin to walk threw the city.
Coby: Seriously, Luffy-san! You're crazy to want him to join you!
Luffy: I still haven't decided yet. I just wanna see if he's a food guy...
Stella: And Luffy isn't the only one who can decide who joins I'm the Captin of this crew as well.
Coby: He's been caught because he's a bad guy!
Luffy then takes a pare and bits it.
He pays the man
Stella takes two and pays the man
She gives one to Coby.
Coby takes it and blushes at the Kindness.
Luffy: Do you know if Zoro's at the base? The people of the town got scared.
Coby: It seems the name "Zoro" is taboo here...
Stella: Well, let's check out the base anyway you're gonna be a marine,  right?
Coby: Yes... But I'm not really ready yet... Rumor has it...a guy named Captain Morgan is this base, and..
The people got scared.
Luffy laughs. What a funny town!
Coby: It's strange... I understand Zoro, but why are they afraid of a navy captain's name? I suddenly feel uneasy about this...
Luffy: You sure they didn't jump for fun?
Stella: No one would do that Luffy.
They made it to the Marine Base
Luffy: Alright! This is the place!
Coby: I'm finally here! He started to cry. I guess this is where we part ways, Luffy-san. And Stella-Sama. It was only for a short time, but... He sees Luffy& Stella trying to climb up.
Ahh luffy-san!Stella-sama What in the world are you doing?
Luffy: Now where's this demon?
Coby: He wouldn't be out here. I'm sure he's in a prison cell or something...
Stella: There he is! They go down.
And get a closer look.
Luffy: See! there he is!
Coby: Yeah right! He would be out--- he looks to see him Zoro. A black hood and a haramaki... That's Roronoa Zoro!
Lefty: He can get away easy if we untie those ropes!
Coby: Don't be stupid! There's no telling what'll happen if we let him loose! I bet he'd try to kill you too, Luffy-san!
Luffy: Don't worry I'm strong.
Coby: I can't believe this guy.
Stella: Plus he'll have me when if this goes wrong.
Zoro: Hey, you guys. You're an eyesore. He looks up. Her lost!
Coby: Luffy-san! There's no way you guys could strive with him on your crew!
There was a ladder.
A little girl came up.
The little girl looked around before taking a rope and going down on the other side and running to Zoro.
Coby: Oh no! Stop her, Luffy-san! She'll be killed
Stella: What can he do?
Zoro: What?
Girl: You must be hungry! I made some rice balls!
Zoro: Do you want to get killed, pipsqueak? scream!
Girl: You haven't eaten anything this whole time. Here! This was my first time, but I worked hard to make them.
Zoro: I ain't hurry. You're an eyesore! Get the hell outta here!
Girl: But
Zoro: I don't want'em! Don't make me kick your ass!
There were a couple of guys coming threw the gate
Man: It's not nice to be a bully! You seem surprisingly well, Roraonoa Zoro...
Luffy: Now, there's another weird guy!
Coby: Thank goodness! He must be with the Navy! Now that girl will be safe!
Stella: She was safe before all she offered him some rice balls and he didn't do anything harmful to her.
Man: Oh, Those are some tasty-looking rice balls. He takes one
Too Damn sweet! They're full of sugar! You're supposed to use salt for rice balls!
Girl: But I thought they might taste better sweet...
The man smacks it out of her hands and stomps on them.
Coby: How horrible!
The girl started to cry. And I worked so hard to make those...
Man: Did you not read this notice? "Those who help criminals will be executed! Navy Captain Morgan" looks like even little brats know how scary my dad is!
Both: Dad?
Coby: Then that's Captain Morgan's son?!
Man: You. Throw this kid out.
Man 2: Sir
Man: I said throw her over the wall! Or can you now follow my orders?! Don't make me tell my dad!
Man 2: Y-yes sir. He goes to the little girl
I'm sorry, little girl. Curl yourself into a ball. He then throws her over
Stella sees this and Catches her.
Girl: Thanks.
Coby: Are you alright Stella-sama? He goes to the girl. Are you all right? I can't believe how horrible that guy is! Do you hurt anywhere?
Luffy checked on Stella.
Stella made sure that her Necklace was okay.
Zoro: Damn you...
Man: You are stubborn trying to stay alive...
Zoro: Yeah! I will live the full month!
Man: Well, Good luck with that. He was away.
Coby: How can he be so cruel, Stella Sama?! He looks to see the two gone.
Zoro looks up to see the Two
Luffy: I hear you're a bad guy.
Zoro: Are you still here?
Stella: Being stuck here for all to see... Are you really strong at all?!
Zoro: Mind your business!
They walk to him.
Luffy: If it were me, I'd probably starve to death in three days!
Stella: I could go a while but I would miss it.
Zoro: I got more sport than you. I will live through this... I swear it!
Luffy: What a stronger person! They went to leave.
Zoro: Wait! Could you pick that up for me? He looks at the smashed Rice ball.
Luffy: You're gonna eat this? It's mostly a mud ball now.
Zoro: Just shut up and give it to me.
He eats it but coughs a little.
Luffy: Told you so.
Zoro: It was good. Thanks for the food.
They smiled.
Girl: Really?
Luffy: Yeah! He ate every last bite!
Girl: I'm so happy!
Coby: Is Zoro really as evil as the rooms say?
Girl: No! After all, he got crucified in our place...
Stella: huh? What do you mean?
Girl: It's all that Helmeppo's fault. He's the Captain Morgan's Son...
She talks about how his Dog went into her mom's shop and how Zoro saved her life and ended up hitting Helm and having to pay for it.
Rika: It's been three weeks since then. Helmeppo punches and kicks him while he is tied up!
Helm puts his foot on the table
Helm: I'm hungry Let us all eat for free! Hey! Bring me some booze! Quite dawdling! Hurry it up!
The others go inside.
Oh yes. I've been bored lately, so I've decided to execute Zoro tomorrow. Look forward to it!
Something snapped in Stella and she rushed over there and punched Helm into a wall.
Helm: What the hell are you doing?!
Coby & Luffy had to hold her back.
Coby: Stella-sama! please stop!
Luffy:Whoa I never see you get this mad before.
Stella: This guy is scum!
Helm:you hit me! I am CaptainMorgan's son, you know!
Stella: Yeah like I care.
Helm: I'm gonna tell my dad and he's gonna execute you!
Stella: Yeah I'd like to see him try. Right after I beat his punk son in a plup.
Coby: Stella-sama! Calm down! Are you trying to get on the Navy's bad side?
Stella: I've made up my mind. I'm going to have Zoro join our crew!
Luffy: Yes
Helm comes running in.
Helm: Daddy! There's someone I want you to slaughter!
Zoro remembers his past.
I promised her... I can't afford to die in a place like this! To looks up to see Luffy& Stella.
Zoro: You guys again? You sure have lots of free time.
Luffy: we'll unite you, so join our crew!
Zoro: Say what?
Luffy: We are looking for people to join our pirate crew.
Zoro:Forget it! Me stooping to a criminal level?! Swear that!
Stella: What's wrong with being a pirate?
Zoro: Pirtaes are despicable! As I'd wanna be one!
Stella: Oh come on give us a break everyone knows you as an evil bounty hunter!
Zoro: People can say what they want. But I ain't done anything to I threat. I will live through this and accomplish what I want!
Stella: Great but we decided that you're already on our crew
Zoro: What you can't decide that
Luffy: I hear you use swords.
Zoro: Yeah, But that stupid son too my stuff...
Luffy: Guess we'll just get it back for you.
Zoro: What.
Stella: So if you want your swords join our crew!
Zoro: You're really getting on my nerves.
Luffy went the other way. While Stella went to right way.
Zoro: You idiot! The base is in the other direction!
Luffy: Gum-Gum Rocket!
Zoro: Who the hell is that guy?
The Marines were putting up a statue of Morgan on top.
Luffy: That's weird. There's no here. I gotta find that stupid son and get Zoro's sword back.
The two heard a noise
Stella: Looks like something Is going on up there.
Luffy: Guess we should check it out!
Luffy holds Stella Gum-Gum Roctect.
They jumped a little too high
Stella Luffy you jumped to high
Man: What is that thing?
The two held on to a rope. Making the stature break.
Luffy: sorry.
Stella: That wasn't important was it?
Morgan: Seize them! I'm going to kill them!
Man: yes sir
Helm: Daddy! That them. She's the girl that hit me!
Luffy: Hey it's you. We've been looking for you! You have something that we really need to get back. The two take him inside
Morgan: After them.
Man: Captain There is someone in the crucifixion yard!
Morgan: I'm surrounded by traitors
Woman: Some just had to interrupt...
Luffy was dragging him.
Luffy: Where is Zoro's Sword?
Helm: I'll tell you. Just stop dragging me!
Luffy stopped
Luffy: Fine where?
Helm: In my room, you just pass it.
Stella: What? Why didn't you say so? Now we gotta go back.
Man: Freeze! Let Helm-san go
Stella: No way. She held him in front of them. But you can try shooting me if you want.
Helm: No, Don't shoot.
The two ran back to his room
Coby was helping Zoro get lose
Please escape, Zoro-San!
Zoro: you'll be killed for doing that, you know!
Coby: I can't stand to watch the Navy like this anymore. I want to be an honorable marine!
Zoro: Stop! I can't escape! I only have 10 days left until
Coby: You're going to be excited tomorrow! Glen never once intended to honor your agreement. Stella-sama got angry and punched him!
Zoro: She did?
Coby: The Navy is after Stella-sama now. I won't ask you to become a pirate. But I hope you'll help Stella-sama. Luffy & Stella are the only people who can save you. And I think you're also the only one who can save them now.
Morgan: End of the line. For the crimes of Teachery against me, I'll now execute you too where you stand!
The two go into a girly room
Luffy: This looks like yours.
Stella: This is girly even for me.
The two see three swords.
Luffy: Bingo. But there are three! Hey! Which sword is Zoro's? Oh, he passed out.
Stella: We'll just take all three and as him there.
They look outside
Stella: Coby.
Coby was crying.
Morgan; This is one interesting stuff you guys pulled! Are you two and Straw Hat and Girl planning a coup or something?!
Zoro: I've always fought alone. Unlike arrogant bastards like you who use soldiers as cronies!
Morgan: Roronoa Zoro.. Don't you underestimate me! You may be strong, but before my authority, you're as good as scum! Aim!
Zoro: Mind I can't afford to die here!
Girl: You weak zoror nothing ever changes.
Luffy got his hand ready.
Luffy: Gum-Gum Rocket!
Morgan: Fire.
Luffy gets in the way of the bullets.
Zoro: What are you--
Coby: Luffy-San!
Morgan: Straw Hat?
The bullet goes back to the Marines
Luffy: See Ya. That won't work for me. Told you I was strong
Zoro: who the hell are you?
Luffy: I'm Monkey D. Luffy!
Stella: And I'm Stella And we're going to be King/Queen of the Pirates.

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