I open my eyes to the blinding sun, and excitement takes over my body. Today is the concert and I can't wait.

I picked out matching outfits for everyone, especially Niall who apparently "didn't want to dress up" hes wearing a tutu.

Me,lili,and Lennon are wearing cordens angels shirts and white leather pants with hearts painted on. Niall is also wearing the jersey, he's also wearing a baby pink tutu with heart shaped glitter hot glued to the ass like he just sat on a unicorn. He's not very happy about that.

The concert isn't until six tonight so I have some time but not a lot. I've procrastinated doing my nails so I still have to do those. They're gonna be almond shaped and light purple with cherrys on them. I've been doing my own nails since middle school and these are pretty easy so they'll probably take about an hour and a half-two hours.

It's ten am right now so that will leave me at about one o clock, giving myself time to dilly dally.

I just got finished with my nails and they turned out really good. Lili is in my room curling her hair and I'm about to go take a shower. Lennon is also doing her nails so she should be done soon.

I take a shower and change into sweatpants. I don't want to wear my outfit now and risk getting anything on it.

I head to target to get some energy drinks for us because lili and Lennon actually go to bed at like 6pm so they'll be tired without them.

I'll never understand their sleeping habits. I'm in bed at like 2am and I wake up at like 10 usually. With them however, they go to bed at like six or seven pm and wake up at six or seven am. I truly don't understand morning people.

I'm sat down in Lennon a room and she's doing my makeup right now. We are doing a pretty generic pink Smokey eye and some hearts on my cheek. Right now, she's finishing up and applying lipstick, then it will be time to leave.

"All right honey, your all done and you look absolutely gorgeous!" She cheers.

"Thanks Lennon, your seriously the best."

"It's no problem at all. Now let's get there so we aren't late to see Harry!"


I stand up rather quickly and my vision goes starry for a second. I quickly grab the makeup chair to steady myself, and Lennon shoots me a worried look.

"Are you okay honey?"

"Yea I'm good sorry I just stood up too quick"

"wait deli, when's the last time you ate?" Lili asked worriedly.

"I just ate lunch, Lils." I lie.

She looks me in the eyes, studying my face for lies, but luckily I have an excellent poker face.

I don't have an eating disorder, I just have to wear a cropped shirt and that's scary, so if I don't eat, my stomach will look better. It's normal, everyone does it.

"Okay, let's go to the venue, then." Lennon says

"Okay, I just need to put on my boots."

I head to my room to grab my red sparkly boots and put them on. I packed some band aids because I know for a fact I'm gonna get so many blisters from these damn shoes.

I should just put on some converse but I want to look my best tonight.

I finish with my shoes and we head to the car. We are heading out a bit early because we have to meet Niall. He's going in a different car because he needs to go in the vip backstage area so fans don't surround and mob him.

The drive to the venue is silent. It's not sad or anything it's a comfortable silence.

Although, I can see lili practically shaking with excitement. Me too if I'm honest.

It's not much of a drive so we're there in about 15 minutes.

The lines to get in aren't that bad because the opener doesn't start for another two hours.

After showing everyone our tickets and our wristbands, we go behind the gate where they release everyone for barricade. We just stand and talk to the people around us about a lot of things. I love harries so much because they just accept you to be their friends with no questions asked.

After about five minutes, they open the gate and release us to find our spot in the pit. We grabbed a spot at the side of the catwalk where we figured it would he would be most.

Niall is already backstage with Harry which is crazy to think about. I don't see Niall as Niall Horan, a musician and singer. I see Niall as Niall Horan, my best friend who will always be there for me.

And it's a crazy idea to have that my best friend is with Harry styles.

Once we claimed our spot on barricade, lili and Lennon went to buy us some drinks. I socialized with some of the girls around us because they're gonna be the ones around us the whole concert.

Auntie len: the lines are really long so we'll be a while.

Me: okay Lennon, don't worry!

I just continue to talk to everyone until Lennon and lili come back to our spot on the barricade

"Oh my GOSH those lines were so long it was crazy"

I laugh at Lilis  exaggerated speech and take the fruity drink she's offering me.

We chat with the girls around us and learn that their names are Lauren, Olivia, Eileen, and victoria.

The opener starts playing and they were really good. We sang along and danced around. They finished and now there is five minutes until harry comes on. The crowd is more silent than they have been all night while the music is playing before Harry.

The ringtone comes on and there are two minutes until Harry comes on. the tune of daydreaming plays out into the stadium and the spotlight shines. Harry comes prancing onto the stage looking gorgeous as ever.

We scream the words to daydreaming and golden louder than ever and if I'm being honest I don't even know if this is real. I've convinced myself this is all fake.

Adore you comes on and I realize I'm a bit dizzy right now. It's not bad or anything, just a bit lightheaded. They scream their heads off but I choose to take a bit of a break from yelling, feeling a bit nauseous.

By the time keep driving comes on, I feel really off. I don't want to ruin anything so I keep quiet. I can't sit down or anything because I'm smushed against the barricade which definitely isn't helping my nausea.

The rest of the concert only makes me feel twenty million times worse. I feel like I'm dying.

Kiwi starts and people are just pushing so hard against me that I actually can't breathe.

It feels like my throat is closing. I can't breathe and I made the mistake of putting my hands by my stomach so they're trapped between my torso and the barricade.

He runs past us, and I should feel exited but I just can't breathe even worse. The lights are brighter and the sounds are louder. I feel like there's a heavy weight on my chest.

My vision is spotty and it feels like it's been years since I've taken any oxygen into my lungs.

My hearing becomes foggy. I can't breathe. My vision goes black.


Oh shit.
All the love, L🏡

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