
I run off the stage covered head to toe in sweat. Security surrounds me as fans scream and hold their hands out for me to touch while I jog to the car.

I'm tossed a water bottle by a staff member and I sit in the backseat chugging it and trying to chill after the show.

That was a crazy fucking show. The crowd was wild and the energy was unreal.

I would have enjoyed that show so much more if I could stop glancing at the front barricade in hopes of finding a gorgeous pair of blue eyes staring right back at me.

Delilah fucking Rodney.

That woman will kill me one day.

I know it's inappropriate to say that about a fan but holy shit.

She's so perfect and gorgeous and amazing and I could talk about her for days. I never spoke to her. I only saw her once.

I asked Niall about her and I could tell he loves her. In a friendly way of course. He spoke to me about her for an hour straight. He told me how amazing she was but also how he can tell how badly she thinks of herself and how badly she treats herself.

He thinks she starved herself and that's why she's in the hospital. That seemed obvious because of the feeding tube but I didn't say that.

He told me that she's gonna get help this time and get better. Apparently this has happened before.

He told me about how she was going to get help and go to therapy but he also said how he thinks she won't take it seriously because she hates therapy and believes she can get better by herself.

The drive to the hotel was only about five minutes so once we pull up to the hotel, I put on my hoodie and head straight for my room, keeping my head down and walking as fast as possible without looking like I'm jogging.

I find my room and plop down on the bed just as my phone starts ringing. Who the fuck is calling me at this hour?

It's like 10pm.

I see a random number on the screen and my heart drops to my ass. If my number got leaked I will actually break down into tears right now.

Swiping my thumb to answer the call, I put it up to my ear and all I hear is pounding music, heavy breathing, and... sobbing?

It sounds like a club.

"Hello?" I'm the first one to speak up.

"Niall please come here I don't know where I am I think s-someone put something in my dr- drink and I'm sc-ared." A female voice says.

"who is this? I'm not Niall. Look, if this is a prank, it's not funny but if you're actually in danger you should call 911."

"Delilah. I'm Delilah. Niall. Please I need you now's not the time to be s-stupid I can't feel my body Niall-I'm so scared."

Delilah. My Delilah?

"Hey ok it's ok Delilah can you look around for me?? What do you see? Do you see a bouncer or a bartender maybe?"

"Y-yea there's o-one at the door."

"Ok can you get there safely?"

"I can t-try."

"Wait! No. Don't try if you don't think you can. Are you there alone?"

"Y-yes. I'm so sorry"

Why the fuck is she alone at a club?

"Hey it's okay love, stop crying it'll be okay just breathe for me, ok?"


"Ok. Umm don't hang up but can you click out of the call onto the messages please?"


"Alright do you know how to send me your location?"


"Okay can you do that for me please? I'm on my way. Don't hang up." I state firmly as I slide on my shoes and leave my room.

"I sent it."

"Good job. Your so brave can you keep talking to me please"

"Yes" she shakily says as I get a notification from her number with her location.

"Thank you so much. You're doing so good."


"Okay, Delilah how was your night" I ask, I'm just trying to keep her talking so she doesn't pass out or get more hysterical.

I run to my car in the parking garage and begin speeding towards where she said she was. I went there two nights ago with the band so I don't need my gps.

"G-good. Please hurry, ni I'm so scared"

"I know, love I'm on my way."

It takes about three minutes to get there but with my driving right now, I get there in about one and a half.

"Hey, Delilah, I'm here okay? I will be there so soon I promise." 

I all up to the door and the bouncer begins talking to me but I cut him off.

"My girlfriend is in there, she got drugged I really need to get to her."I rush out.

He nods and steps to the side as I move through the crowd.

"Where are you, Delilah? I'm here."

" I'm in the- ... the-"


"Delilah where are you?"

I run towards her shaking body that's slumped in the corner of this club about 10 feet from the dj.

Her eyes are towards the ground and she's sitting on the floor.

Well shit.

I place my fingers on her inner wrist and when my eyes follow the movement, I notice what I was feeling. Scars. Tiny, big, thick, thin, pink, white. So many scars on her arms.

My eyes prick with tears but I push them down and direct my fingers to the side of her neck.

I feel a strong pulse and release a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Threading my hands under her legs, I wrap  her thighs around my torso and her arms around my neck her unconscious body just flops around with my movement.

I hold my hand to the back of her head to steady her and walk quickly towards the door.

Nearing the exit of the club, I see flashes of white bouncing off the walls.

How the fuck did I not see this coming?

Does she really distract me that much?

I mean, damn I know I have a crush but I can usually smell paparazzi from miles away, I'm like a fucking wolf.

I walk over to the wall and wiggle out of my pink and yellow striped jacket, leaving me in my white undershirt and my pink and yellow pants.

I drape my jacket over her so she's unrecognizable and I walk out into the crowd of paparazzi.

They yell random things in my direction but I don't pay any attention to it, I'm pretty desensitized to paps and their shenanigans by now.

I'm more focused on the girl slumped in my passenger seat as I race to the nearest hospital.


He's so down bad for her and he hasn't even gotten to know her😭😭

All the love, L🏡

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