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It was Axel. There was shock mixed with happiness on my face, Hera was looking at me like at idiot, i was trying to say something but i was too stuned to speak, i started to laugh nervously and showed the message to Hera — NORWAY — he turned Australian i think — HE TEXTES YOU, ANWER HIM RIGHT NOW BYRON OMG — whole school was looking at us like at idiots but now, it wasn't even important, the most important was me & Axel now, and only us, i know that he wasn't here right now but let me dream... — Should i anwer him? — i asked Hera nervously — DUH?! — he said with kinda angry face — okay... — i clicked on the message and saw that

Axel Blaze -
Hi byron, i know that our relations aren't good after Shawn birthday party, but maybe you want to go out with me? Just to talk or eat something in restaurant:)

I littrealy almost broke my phone and started to have gay panic, i was trying to stayed silent but i wanted to scream as loud as i can, i finally text and send something.

Byron Love -
Um, yes, yes why not it sounds interesting, where and when?

Axel Blaze -
I'm super happy, maybe in Yoyogi park? Today at 20:00?

Byron Love -
Okay, I'm excited, byee

He just liked the message, i heard my heart to beat faster and faster every second i can't wait — Ohmygodnes. — i said to Hera with red face and shock in my eyes — You NEED to look good, no were going home you need to look like Aphrodite ULTRA MAX — he grabbee my hand and we just run away from school, i was still shocked but we were happy and laughed together.

We entered my house and go to my room, Hera started to search for some elegant and cool stuff to wear. After 30 long minutes of him searching and showing me some clothes that i didn't even know that i have, he finally found the perfect one for me, it was black T-shirt with white star, dark grey baggy pants, and Black-Blue Vans.

I dressed up and i looked perfect, it was super comfy and perfect for a...date? NO NO JUST GOING OUT WITH A BOY THAT I LIKE TOO MUCH...yeah... — I think you should wear some eyeliner — Hera said while looking at me — Hera, you know that people think that I'm a girl already so i don't think it's a great idea — i said with face that clearly say that i want to wear some eyeliner but i was just scared — BYRON I KNOW YOU WANT IT!! let's go, let's do it — I sighed and just sat down, i had eyeliner so we don't need to go to the shop.

                — Axel POV

I was so stressed before the date, like he thinks that this is only going out but no, this is date, i want to kiss him tonight, and i will do it i promise...i looked at myself in a mirror last time and I left the house.  I walked to the park with a slow step, i took my phone in my hand to see what time it was, it was already...19:58 and I had about 2km to the park, i started panicking and texted Byron

Axel Blaze -
Hi Byron, i'm gonna be late, only 10 minutes, i hope that's okay

I didn't have to wait long for a reply, because after almost 2 minutes I got a message

Byron Love -
That's okay:) i'm waiting ❤

He send a heart i thinked my heart will explode, but after 3 minutes something much better happend. He changed my nick.

Byron Love changed Axel Blaze      nick to "Axel ❤"

I think that's the most romantic thing that ever happend to me, i was so happy, i never thought i will have someone that i will love so much...i never really been in love, not seriously but still Byron is the only person i want to have with me, i don't even know when i fell in love with him (Me either) he just appeared in my life and everything changed...

After 5 minutes i was there, i saw him and waved to him, and he waved back i walked up to him and hugged him — Hi — i smiled — Hi — We were looking at each other — Come on because there will be no place to sit down in the restaurant — he smiled and i agreed with him.
we entered the restaurant and sat down, by the way I grabbed his hand as we walked, my heart was beating like crazy.

                 — Byron POV

I was stressed really stressed but i think when we sit down, it just disappear, it was just me and Axel in this universe, no one else, to be honest i wasn't sure about my feelings to Alex, but it wasn't only friend, he was someone else, he was more important then a friend.
We orderd food, i need to admit I'm a big picky eater so i get fries and fish — You're so picky eater — Axel said and laugh a little — How dare you?! — i said with Indignant face, and saw Axel started to laugh — You're so disrespectful... — i said and turn around — I'm sorry mr. Love — he said and my face started to be red as fuck, i liked it, Mr. Love, omg i want my lastname to be Blaze...it would fit perfect...OR AXEL LOVE omg yes AAAAAAAA — hellooo, Byron are you there? — he looked at me and i saw our meals at the table — Yes yes i am sorry — we started to eat our food.

We were after our "Date" And he led me in front of my house, in front of the door he began to look at me strangely, straight into my red eyes that were illuminated thanks to the rays of the moon....I also started looking at him, unexpectedly our lips touched each other, he started kissing me and I him, our kiss was not long, it lasted maybe 30 seconds, we were interrupted by his chauffeur who drove up to my house to pick up Axel, The boy broke away from me and said his last words to me - I love you - After which he got into the limousine, I was standing in disbelief in front of the door watching the car drive away, I was in complete shock.


I know you're reading this Natalia ❤
I had so many problems with this one lol

- Yours - // Axel Blaze x Byron LoveWhere stories live. Discover now