Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/n comment your thoughts x not really editted

"Hey Harry! You should be the best boyfriend ever and order Chinese food for your favorite girlfriend ever!!" I yell to him in the living room from the bathroom.

"You are my only girlfriend so not much competition" he pokes his head into the bathroom walking behind me. I smile at him through the mirror.

"Broccoli and Beef?" He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into him. His face digging into my neck.

"Is that even a question." I laugh and remove the last bit of my make up. Harry chuckles giving me last one squeeze before kissing my cheek and leaving to order the food.

Once I'm done removing my makeup, I go to Harry's closet stealing one of his jumpers and sweatpants. I quickly change and go to the living room jumping on the couch beside Harry. He smiles up at me.

"What are we watching tonight?" He asks grabbing the remote going to Netflix. I giggle sitting on his shoulders my legs draping over his torso. Most of me is resting on top of the couch.

"You are such a weirdo" Harry giggles laying his head back. My hands automatically go to his hair as I start running my hands through it.

"I'm your weirdo" He smiles rolling his eyes. His beautiful green eyes sparkle up at me. I love him so much.

"You are so cliche" Harry wraps his hand around the back of my neck pressing my lips to his. I smile through the kiss.

"I vote we watch Best of Me." I mumble against his mouth. He nods giving me one last kiss. I remove myself from around him and sit next to him.

"I'm gonna take a wee" Harry slaps my thiegh and squeezes it as he stands up.

"Ow! You dick!" I slap his ass. Harry walks off us both laughing at each other. I smile shaking my head and find our movie on Netflix.

There is a ring at the door signaling that the food is here. I jump up walking over to my purse grabbing some money.

When I open the door I'm a bit taken back. An asshole I went to high school with is stood before me.

"Ava?" He asks handing me my food.

"Fuck off, Zac." I hand him the money and shut the door. That's one of the dickheads in the piano room. Another ding at the door makes me cringe. I set the food on the coffee table and sigh opening the door.

"I'm sorry, Ava. We were just kids. I didn't know they were going to try and do that shit." I pinch the bridge of my nose squeezing my eyes shut hoping he will just disappear. I look around Harrys flat and see him still in the bathroom. I walk out to the hall closing the door behind me.

"If you think for a damn second that I will forgive you. You're wrong." I spit venom at him.

"Well it obviously didn't even effect you if you are successful enough to live in a place like this." He motions his hands around.

"Didn't effect me! Are you fucking kidding me! You are such a fucking prick!" He rolls his eyes cross his arms.

"I was trying to be nice and apologize, but you are being rude now." Zac says, he is pissing me off.

"Be nice! It's a little late for that dickweed!" I yell pushing him.

"Mmm you have gotten feisty and quite sexy since last I saw you." He smirks walking toward me. Being this fucking dumb shouldn't be legal.

"I was sexy in high school, but you were just to busy sucking the football teams dicks to bother." I say and kneeing him as hard as I can in the groin. I turn around walking back inside slamming the door behind me.

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