
820 26 1

All Shadow thought is safety....the safety of them.

Tightened his grip on the human's hand, he moved his red eyes behind him to see the human girl and the tiny creature that is being held by her.

Their safety is what is most important right now....

He look back to where his going before taking a turn and continue to run.

Red light of the halls flash rapidly as loud gun shots run through.

He heard a discomforting noise coming from them and he knew who it was.

He hated this....why are they doing this...?

They are just trying to live....why do they decided to ruin this?

Shadow growls and tightened his grip on her, they eventually got to the room where stasis pods are...but all are broken except one.

"Maria, go towards the pod and I'll-Argh!" he was suddenly pushed towards the stasis pod, getting shoved inside.

He look at her with confusion and worry as he can see her pushing the button.

Shadow's eyes widen when he sees the pod closing.

"NO-!" He yelled and forced himself to stand up and was about to get out of the pod but hit his face agaisnt the glass.

Rubbing his snout he immediately look back with fear and worry, starring at the human carrying a small creature in her grip.

He can see tears running down the girl's eyes but still keeping that smile....and that E/C eyes starring at him with concern and fear.

Shadow feel dread coming to him as he started to shout, banging against the glass surface and even tried to kick it but it was still futile.

Shadow sees her speaking to him but he can't hear her properly....but he knew what she was saying and Shadow isn't ganna accept that.

He can't leave them...he can't leave them....

"Maria! Y/n!" He yelled again, desperately as he tried banging with all his might.

Until he frozed when Maria pushed the other button and he can feel the pod moved and releasing the cold air going inside the pod.

He immediately shook his head to focus and the last thing he sees is the girl and the small creature turning away and was about to run before he was ejected out, his banging stop and his hand slides down the glass surface....

All he can see now is the space and his reflection in the glass....

Furrowed brows and red eyes from a black red stripped hedgehog starring back at him....

He can feel loosing senses of his body as the cold smoke filled inside, Shadow falls to his knees. Stunned and confusion overwhelmed him....

Small set of tears came out and run down from his eyes, despite loosing unconscious he still tried to resist from it.

He needs to go back..they need him, they still need him....




Shadow clenched his hands with his lips curled, struggling to keep it in and he hated it....

Their gone....

What is he supposed to do now...?

His alone....

Despite his resistance the darkness soon consumed his vision and felt himself went numb, loosing his sense of his body as the darkness felt welcoming to him....

"I'm so sorry...."

Shaded Light [Child!Reader] Where stories live. Discover now